KittenKatja and #WWKC

Gains a heart of max health on kill, every spawn egg placed by this kit also makes the mob ride a bat.

Does not relate to Berserker, because my comment was there before the edit.

A right click on the ghast tear to let out a screeching noise and apply a wither (0:10) effect in a 5 blocks radius. (30 second cooldown)

Inspired by Screecher.

A right click with the slime ball on another player makes them mount Shrek, ready to be thrown away by Shrek. The Victim can’t undo the mount. Shrek is not immune to projectiles.

Inspired by Shrek.

Gains a TNT block every minute, left click to throw a primed TNT, right click a player to place an activated grenade into their inventory.

Inspired by Bomberman.

Gets 3 rockets (with flight duration 3) on start, a right click uses them up like a normal item, but the player is mounted on it at the same time. Does not necessarily mean that the rider is Elton John.

Inspired mainly be the name of the movie I watched, later realizing it’s the rocket from rewinside.[redacted]'s bedwars.

Whenever Ninja sneaks (without cooldown), Ninja gains invisibility, but armor doesn’t vanish, only the arrows stuck on the body. (unsneak = visible)

Inspired by Ninja.

Every minute, Gambler gains a chest with a low chance on another kit item with regular chest loot.
The chest’s chance on other kit items go higher each minute the chest has not been placed.

Inspired by Gambler.

Gain a wooden sword at the start, that deals 14 damage on hit, but the damage the opponent receives is the damage that returns to Dolch as true damage. (only that wooden sword can do this, no other)

Inspired by Titan’s Hammer.

Gets 3 eggs at the start, when throwing an egg, 2 blocks below it places glass blocks in the color the Scaffolder holds in the hand. As the blocks get placed the wool blocks get removed from the hand.
(Won’t place blocks when none are in hand.)

Inspired by Scaffolder.

When looking directly at someone, that player receives slowness 2 for as long as Medusa looks at them. (No range limitation)

Inspired by Medusa.

Every boots worn get depth strider 3.

Inspired by Fish.

Every 10 seconds a right click on the stick can throw one of 4 potions selected at random:
Slowness (0:10), Weakness (0:10), Poison (0:15), Instant Damage

Inspired by Alchemist.

Sandstone Walker
Ability to stand and walk on sandstone without dying when not been combat tagged the last 5 seconds.
(This is the Falcon of Wool Wars)

Inspired by Immune.

Mineception Player
Gains a brick every 5 seconds, an iron ingot every 30 seconds and 1 gold ingot on each kill.
MCP can open a shop by right clicking one of the 3 currencies above.
The shop contains the following items: (prices are not final, subject to add more)
Stone sword (5 bricks), Iron sword (20 bricks), Iron helmet/boots (30 bricks), Iron chestplate/leggings (2 iron), Diamond helmet/boots (8 iron), Diamond sword (5 iron), Diamond chestplate/leggings (1 gold), Strength 1 (1:30) Potion (1 gold), Inception Fall (2 gold), Inception Walk (3 iron), Ender pearl (6 iron)
Inception Fall: When brought, gives fall damage immunity to sandstone and teleports to ceiling of the map and once more fall damage immunity till landing. Consumes on teleport.
Inception Walk: When right clicking the wall of the map, you “go through” it to the other side of the map. Can be hard to code for cuboid maps, but should be easy on cylinder maps.
The 3 currencies do not get dropped to the ground, when MCP dies.

Inspired by BWP.

Gets a Bow with 5 Arrows, when Huntress hits someone with an arrow, a dog spawns on them and attacks the player till one of them is dead, receives 3 arrows on kill.

Inspired by Huntress.

Gets a Clock that open a hopper GUI of the kits of the last 4 players killed with the 5th slot being a random selector with a 50% time enhancement and 50% cooldown reduction.
The kits get equipped for 1 minute with a cooldown of 3 minutes.
Equipped kits turn the clock into the kit item and gives the effects of the kit.

Inspired by Shapeshifter.

Gets a fishing rod, that can reel players in like fish.
The reeling is not like on KitPvP, instead they get boosted towards you, because no one wants too reel someone into themselves in WoolWars.

Inspired by [Buff/Nerf] Fisherman.

Witch (2)
Gets a Bow with 3 abilities (circle through by dropping it) and 7 arrows.
The first is Meteor, when the Bow is shot with this ability, a small circle of fire particles form around the hit spot, 2 blocks above the player forms a ball of fire particles and a falling_block of yellow wool going to that place, however the meteor can also detonate on anything else in the path to that place, even damaging Witch (2) in the process. 50 seconds cooldown and changes ability right after.
The second is Poison, when the Bow is shot with this ability, a potion of Poison I (0:12) get thrown instead of the arrow, but not with the velocity of a normal thrown potion, but similar to the arrow velocity. 15 seconds cooldown.
The third is Heal, instead of shooting an arrow, an Instant Healing I Potion gets thrown with the same velocity as the poison one. 10 seconds cooldown.
Meteor has separate cooldown from the potion abilities.

Inspired by Witch.

Gets a Diamond Pickaxe with Efficiency 2, Sharpness 2 and 2 stacks of Stone.

Inspired by Miner.

Gets a Cactus with the following /give command:

-1.12.2: /give @p minecraft:cactus 1 0 {AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:"generic.attackDamage",Name:"meow",Amount:0.0f,Operation:1,UUIDLeast:69,UUIDMost:69,Slot:"mainhand"},{AttributeName:"generic.movementSpeed",Name:"meow",Amount:0.0f,Operation:1,UUIDLeast:69,UUIDMost:69,Slot:"mainhand"},{AttributeName:"generic.knockbackResistance","Name:"meow",Amount:1.0f,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:69,UUIDMost:69,Slot:"mainhand"}],ench:[{id:0,lvl:1}],HideFlags:3}
1.13-1.15.2: /give @s minecraft:cactus{AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:"generic.attackDamage",Name:"meow",Amount:0.0f,Operation:1,UUIDLeast:69,UUIDMost:69,Slot:"mainhand"},{AttributeName:"generic.movementSpeed",Name:"meow",Amount:0.0f,Operation:1,UUIDLeast:69,UUIDMost:69,Slot:"mainhand"},{AttributeName:"generic.knockbackResistance",Name:"meow",Amount:1.0f,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:69,UUIDMost:69,Slot:"mainhand"}],Enchantment:[{Id:"minecraft:protection",Lvl:1}],HideFlags:3} 1
Snapshot of 1.16: /give @s minecraft:cactus{AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:"generic.attackDamage",Name:"meow",Amount:0.0f,Operation:1,UUIDLeast:69,UUIDMost:69,Slot:"mainhand"},{AttributeName:"generic.movement_speed",Name:"meow",Amount:0.0f,Operation:1,UUIDLeast:69,UUIDMost:69,Slot:"mainhand"},{AttributeName:"generic.knockbackResistance",Name:"meow",Amount:1.0f,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:69,UUIDMost:69,Slot:"mainhand"}],Enchantment:[{Id:"minecraft:protection",Lvl:1}],HideFlags:3} 1

When held receive Jump Boost 200 or above and all worn armor get Thorns 11.

Inspired by Cactus, @TheBoop hope it is better in WoolWars since it IS a 1.8 gamemode.

Gets permanent Resistance 1 effect.
All bows in the inventory turn into Skeleton spawneggs und all swords into Zombie spawneggs.
Spawneggs from other players won’t attack Necromancer.

Inspired by Necromancer.

Gets a leash, with this leash a right click on another player will mount that player and gives the ability to control that player’s movement, should Cowboy sneak, they go back to where they started the ability from. 60 seconds cooldown.

Inspired by Horse and Riders and a legendary rare on Prison.

Golden Helmet
Gets a golden Helmet into the hotbar, a left click on someone forces them to wear the golden Helmet for 25 seconds, in that time Poison 1 (0:05) gets applied every 3 seconds with a chance of 33%.
A right click forces you to wear it for 10 seconds and applies Regeneration 1 (0:05) every 2 seconds with a chance of 25%, after the 10 seconds applies a 15 seconds cooldown.
The Helmet keeps it’s durability even when traveling from player to player.
Please also add CustomModelData:14 into it’s NBT.

Inspired by BadBoyHalo’s Golden Helmet Conspiracy.

Gets 8 Pigmen Spawneggs and a Golden Sword.

Mailman (good name?)
Gets a bow with 5 arrows.
When shot at another player, that player receives random monster spawneggs, when they get placed, they will act as if Mailman has placed them.

Whenever Debilitator attacks an opponent, their kit item and effects disable for 2 seconds.
The kit item turn into maybe a flint or something else. Disabling kits doesn’t stack the time.

Inspired by Debilitator.

Deflector deflects damage to anyone around in a 10 blocks range.
Deflector will always receive 50%, the attacker and the other players in the 10 block range all share the other 50%.
If there is only the attacker, attacker receives 25% and Deflector receives 75%.

Inspired by Deflector.

Gets a light weighted pressure plate that, when placed down, suck players in or repel players away.
The range is 15 blocks and 3 blocks, the suction is weak in the 15 blocks and very strong in the 3 blocks. 20 seconds cooldown.

Inspired by Vacuum.

Reverse MLG
Gets a Water bucket that refills every 30 seconds.
On a left click, MLG gets shot straight up into the air, like 30 blocks.
Should MLG hit their head on a ceiling after the jump, they die as if they have hit the ground too hard.

Inspired by MLG.

Every boots worn get Frostwalker 1 and any block walked on turns temporarily into packet ice for as long as Penguin stands on them.

Inspired by Penguin.
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You may want to look at the new woolwars kits and kit buffs/changes and edit your kits as quite a few of these are already in the rotation or have very similar kits to them. No comment on the suggestions other than this.

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How are these suggestions when they’re all basically a copy of kitpvp


I have looked through [Guide] Wool Wars Kits before I added a suggestion.
If anything, some may be similar to existing #WWKC suggestions.

They only have the abilities from KitPvP kits, implementing these should be fairly easy. (copy/paste)

The guide was last updated Apr '18!! May help to read this before suggesting Wool Wars Revamp - April 2020

It’s also worth noting that kits will be reworked (if chosen) before being listed in the voting so people don’t just suggest overpowered kits to get votes, therefore I suggest being as creative and original as you can be to get the most votes from the community (and also to be selected).

Yes, so I used kits from previous suggestions that are not marked with the #WWKC, changed them up a bit and put them in here, because the rules state otherwise they won’t get listed.
If only the announcement for WWKC had a link to that announcement, I clicked on the first new announcement, since munchy only does one at a time.

Is the !! meant as a joke? Ungespielt has made it clear that only one is enough, more does not make you sound louder but more of a joke, especially when there is a space between the last word and the end letter. For example: “THIS IS A JOKE !!!”

1/2 Vampire, Rocketman, Medusa, Fish, Sandstone Walker and MCP are original kits.
The added Ninja doesn’t sound like a Ninja, more like a safety platform from Bedwars for 3 Gold.
Does Vast use up blocks when it uses it’s abilities? If not, add it so Scaffolder is completely out.
Engineer looks very useless to me, to build a trap, you need to go a lot up, then build it without anyone noticing, then you need to make the hole they fall though not immediately see when they stack up and the throwable TNT already is very hard to use in KitPvP, think about how it would be used in WoolWars. Destroy someone’s bridge or stacking up? They go to the side or stack up on a new tower. I see only one use, that is the camper that built itself in and won’t come out, but is an easy kill anyway.
Camel seems a lot like Sandstone Walker, but my kit is more like an easy target for projectiles like falcons, anyone can survive being very near the sandstone, a throw down saves Camel from dying, but Sandstone Walker will immediately die. For me, they are far different for their similar abilities.
MCP may be inspired by BWP, but MCP also has it’s origin on [redacted].de, the home of jump world, it used to be there, no longer is and was a very unique experience.

Edit: I have read what Vast can do without the added abilities. Why didn’t you mention the infinity wool in the added abilities thing?

you type way too much for a simple statement someone said

agreed. u don’t need to wright a whole paragraph about two exclamation marks

Added another 9 Kits.

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You do realize that your German references completely go over the heads of 99% of this community, right? I doubt that many here even know this youtuber. I have seen you do this before and it really confuses me.

Besides, I doubt that he’s an expert on grammar or internet ettiquette, so mentioning his name doesn’t validate your statement.


who is Ungespielt

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who is Underpants

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Almost all of your kits are downright stolen from kitpvp or already exist in woolwars. please be original with your ideas.

Also some of these ideas seem like kits that are intentionally useless.

I know you wrote “Fish” before you edited this.
The only ones that seem useless may be Dolch, Fish, Sandstone Walker and Miner.
Dolch can do the most damage of any weapon or kit, but the power comes to a price.
There may be just a few ponds on some maps, but utilizing buckets and water is key for Fish.
Sandstone Walker may instantly die, but has the ability to see incoming projectiles and react to it faster than other players always looking down to build.
Miner is in my eyes the better Engineer, it can build platforms and remove them on demand, unlike Engineer, who needs redstone to build traps, make obvious corridors, ledges, anything you don’t want to approach because you saw a piston below or some redstone in the back. Miner also has the ability to dig through stone or even break obsidian, something the Knitter kit can only dream of.

Added another 7 Kits.

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with 9 minutes to spare.

I tried to find formatting the night through to get stronger colored separate lines, but settled with double lines instead.
The stronger lines were part of the table, so I wasn’t able to use these without a list and head line and couldn’t expand it the whole width of the post without adding a lot of letters.

Don’t need to worry about formatting, they are all going into my table anyway!

I was watching GLP playing ArcheAge Unchained and in the class selection menu, I remembered the Animation from China with the MC trying to become a copycat of a legend.
In the Animation, the MC is only using his fists and innate abilities till he does the finishing move with his hidden short sword.

Gain a wooden sword at the start that deals 14 damage on hit, but the damage the opponent receives is the damage that returns to Dolch as true damage. No damage goes to Dolch, when the opponent dies through that attack. (only that wooden sword can do this, no other)

Inspired by Titan’s Hammer and Xing Chen Bian.

I was not able to edit the previous post, always that 429 error code, so I delet dis and repost.

Dolch would be way too op for anybody with instant health potions (really easy to get)