KitPvP [ ] Penguin V2

Black leather helmet and boots with Unbreaking 30 and (+1.8)Ice Walker 1.
Iron chestplate.
Chainmail leggings.
Iron sword.
Penguin likes it cold, so Penguin gets ice blocks below it’s feet wherever it goes, even on water. (unless jumped into the water)
These ice blocks “melt” after 5 seconds back to it’s former blocks.
The ice blocks will even form below slabs, stairs, soulsand and other half blocks, where the ice effect goes through the block.
Natural Enemies: Ice bears (when Penguin will ever get to the north pole), Leopard seals
A Counter To: Groundhog(?)

Possible Bugs: The ice melting into water nearby a light source, just like a woolwars map does.

This would be a cool passive effect, does it have any special abilities too?

It’s faster than normal by having ice blocks placed below it’s feet.

@KittenKatja Yeah I’ve noticed that it does that in wool wars, but could you think of a way to possibly counteract this bug? Or maybe they could make a plugin that doesn’t have the ice melt? Overall I really like this idea! :+1:

/gamerule RandomTickSpeed 0

Yeah, forgot about that lol