Glider Changes

Since the recent glider rebuff, I think the kit has been a bit too powerful.
I believe that this is all down to not having a hit cooldown, where, if you are hit as a glider, there is a small but necessary cooldown time where you cannot glide away.
As BFI01 said in the Woolwars October Update

I believe that this issue needs to be re-addressed. Glider would be a perfectly balanced and fun to play as and against kit if this were added again. It would mean that, in battles, there would be no way for glider to get away without running for a few seconds. Currently it is too easy for gliders to escape, which can make games last a long time.

I’d like to hear everyone else’s opinions on the idea of re-implementing the glider hit cooldown.


A helper told me that there’s a bug going on where the cooldown isn’t in place. I think they are working on it, though. I tested it earlier, and it’s definitely a bug!

They reduced the cooldown to 3 seconds.

Also how does your post not have a category?


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As for re-implementing the 7-second hit cooldown, no, I don’t support that. The glider nerf from a while back turned it into a D-tier kit; the 7 seconds was too strong a nerf. However, gliders should not be able to just glide away whenever someone attacks them. I think all glider needs to be a balanced kit is a 3-second stun if hit, no matter if you’re gliding or not.

Glider has so many other advantages over other kits, it doesn’t need to be able to run away so effectively.


Ah, I see. I feel like 3 seconds still isn’t quite long enough. Maybe bringing it up to 5 seconds would make for a more balanced kit?



I dodge games because in my opinion its just not fun to play against.
I even think a 3 second cooldown is fine, as long as the cooldown actually happens. Many times I’m chasing someone on the walls, and when I get close and hit them, they’re still able to literally fly across the entire map because I didn’t hit them while crouching.

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The cooldown is in place… it doesnt activate if you arent using the kit

To clarify: if you hit somebody while they are gliding they will most certainly stop gliding and take 100% fall damage instead of the 50% that glider normally has. This can be done with any projectile (snowballs, fishing rods, bows) or a melee hit. The issue with glider isnt that theres a bug, because the kit is working as intended. Most people really dont know what they are doing when it comes to the glider kit. i would say there is only 2 gliders i actually think use the kit really well.

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why does nobody know what they are talking about when it comes to this kit. its not as OP as yall make it out to be.
Ive played glider with every single version that has been out. this one is the most balanced by far

Well, for me it’s not a case of fair and balanced, it’s a case of fun to play against. I feel that, especially at the very end of games, glider is very annoying and not fun to play against as games just drag on and on and on.
Glider is a good kit and may be fun to play as, but most people agree that it’s one of the worst, if not the worst, kit to play against.

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Fair kit

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How can you say a kit is balanced while advocating for a nerf at the same time. Pick a side

lmao ice you’re unbelievable


The issue with glider is that it can move to areas across the map with extreme speed, making it really hard to kill. Add that with the fact that sometimes the nerf doesn’t even work properly at points and you get prenerfed glider, which was definitely op in many people’s eyes. Even if it can be knocked out of the air, it’s extremely hard considering the amount of speed that glider is capable of getting up to. As Jamie said, it’s extremely annoying at the end game times (just like old camel was) they just keep running away. It’s an op kit, just like old vast was. My idea for a nerf is to keep the 3sec cooldown and bring back the feather activation aspect of the kit rather than shifting. This is my personal opinion of the kit atm.


If the speed is the problem then why don’t you just nerf the speed

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I feel that it’s a good part of the kit. It makes it hard to hit with objects and arrows (which in my opinion having the ability to even sometimes hit the glider out of the air makes it pretty balanced). The issue with the kit is being able to run away to the opposite side if the map from anywhere almost instantly and take 50% less fall damage with ease. It’s just too easy to do this, which makes it op in a number of situations throughout a woolwars game.

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Gliders become too controversial. My idea:

Make it so that it’s kit ability is it transfers you to Munchy Survival and gives you an elytra!


+1 yes

-1 wouldn’t work because 1.8.9 and 1.16 don’t mix, smh I thought you would know this smh

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Just so you know I can’t even count the number of times that I’ve thrown a snowball / used a bow to shoot someone out of the sky, and it did literally nothing. This is probably just lag, but still.

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