AFrenchBaguette's Staff Application,

- Have you been a regular player on MunchyMC for at least one month?:

- Are you able to record and upload good quality videos of hackers?:

- Are you able to download and use TeamSpeak 3?:


IGN: AFrenchBaguette

Age: 14

Timezone: CEST

Server(s) you would like to moderate:
KitPvp, WoolWars

How active can you be per week?
Weekdays : 4pm-10pm Weekend: 12pm-12am

Do you have any past moderating experience? If so, briefly describe it:
I own my very own server where I host and manage projects like texture packs or maps with someone else. I use the /report command in MunchyMC a lot when I see people hacking, cheating, breaking rules, or abusing glitches. I report bugs/glitches to staff like EeveeNoises to help make the server become better and glitchless.

What is your knowledge of MunchyMC?
BadBoyHalo is the server owner, Callahan Administrator, Yin Administrator, Fumaz WoolWars
Developer, EeveeNoises Moderator, McDonalds Moderator, SylveonNoises Helper, Dream Administrator, BFI01 WoolWars Administrator (pretty sure), NoEffortName kitpvp mod.
BadBoyHalo also hosts events in /server event while Builders build in server /build.

Do you have any Anticheat experience?
Anticheat is a plugin that is coded in java. it checks for example how many packets a player sends, how he moves for example Flying, speed hacks, or how the head moves for Killaura. If it sees any weird movements or activity it will either auto-ban the hacker or it will send a message to all staff above helper with all information like ping or movement speed or the CPS so they can check that player out

Link us to any hacker reports you have made (recorded and/or reported) on MunchyMC:
I recorded glitches and hacker reports but I can’t find them back. Even though I 100% have posted it on the forums:
Hacker Report:
Hacker Report:
Glitch report:

Languages spoken:

Describe your contributions to MunchyMC thus far?
I have made 3 Map for WoolWars. 2 of them are currently added to the server.

I have found some bugs like the sumo bug in kitpvp with the portal kit.

What is your greatest strength?
My greatest strength is multi-tasking and being able to adapt to the current situation or skill. I can adapt to people’s skills without any real issues. I can learn those skills fast and use them for my own advantage, for example, someone could show me how to do a certain technique and I could copy it or mimic it pretty fast. The only issue is the understanding like some people use super complicated terms without explaining what those mean.

Comment on your ability to work within a team:
I love working in teams, not only because work is distributed but you could ask anyone in your team a question about your work if you have any issues, and it’s much more fun working with people than working alone.

What is your experience and knowledge of hacks?
My experience with hacks is okay. I used hacks when I was playing with my friends manhunt everyone was allowed to hack so I tried every cheat out and checked how it works etc. I also did 2 hacker reports but they got auto-banned right after recording so I didn’t bother uploading it and deleted it but the other one didn’t get auto-banned so I uploaded it and reported it the staff in DMS.
Here is a list of hacks/unfair client modifications that I know off:

Killaura is is something like a forcefield that attacks players near the hacker. It can be configured so it only attacks players to a certain degree or range. So it can be hard to manually detect it if it’s set up correctly.

  • How to detect it?
    If the player strangely hits the victim without looking at them. For example, if they hit them from the back or a 90* angle there is a high chance that they are using Killaura. But this can be easily copied with super high ping. That’s why the anti-cheat message also tells you the ping of the hacker.

Reach is a popular hack used by many hackers. It basically gives the hacker more reach so it would be easier to hit the enemy from far away.

  • How to detect it?
    If the hacker hits a player further than 3 blocks away then it most likely means that they are hacking.
    Its hard to see if a player is using reach while moving and attacking since that also highly depends on the ping. People with lower ping get “more reach” on the victims POV so the victim can’t reach the attacker to hit them.

Fly is super easy to detect. If a player without any fly perms suddenly flies up or any direction. The anticheat will most likely detect it and auto-ban the player. 1 problem is that people with really high ping (speaking of thousands) then the player will most likely lag around and if it falls or jumps the player can freeze mid-air and maybe can get auto-banned. But usually, the anticheat is smart and it would alert staff first before auto-banning the laggy player.

Anti-Knockback is a cheat that eliminates or reduces the velocity of a player when it gets hits by another player.

  • How to detect it?
    If a player greatly has reduced knockback or no knockback at all. It most likely means that they are using Anti-knockback. But it can be mimicked by a lot of techniques used in the PVP community.
    For example, W Tapping is one of them, it works if correctly timed, it will reduce the knockback.
    Low ping can also cause some kind of reduced knockback.

Speed allows people to walk/run faster than sprinting.

  • How to detect it?
    If the play moves faster than other players without having a special kit or effect then there is a high chance that they are using Speed hacks.

ESP is an unfair advantage because it draws a square around every player in the render distance and the hacker will be able to see them thru walls.

  • How to detect it?
    You almost can’t it’s a client view only and the server can’t detect it. The only way to find out if they are using ESP is if you do spectate for a very long time and see if they can get to players that are in mountains or a hidden without any issues. So like it directly follows the players or you could just Screenshare them but that isn’t allowed in MunchyMC.

X-Ray allows people to see thru blocks. It is usually used to find rare ores like diamond or iron ore.

  • How to detect it?
    It’s hard to find people using x-ray on Woolwars or kitpvp. But you could find out by watching them. If they randomly run or look into walls it’s because they found something interesting then there is a medium chance that they are using x-ray.

Bhop is a movement hack that allows hackers to sharply move mid air.

  • How to detect it?
    You can see it easily. Abnormal movements and sharp movements

Omg I just realized I answered the wrong questions


You used the wrong format of the application. You are required to use the latest version of the written checklist in order to apply for staff.


You can always edit your application so it has the correct questions!

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