YouTuber Application - xWestPlayzMC

Channel link:
Number of subs:

Average number of views per vid: 15-30

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: 4 years around.

Servers for which you have created content: Hypixel, ParkourCraft, going to start on MunchyMC soon.

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? I really love the videos from Skeppy but I promise to not be joking like that lol but I really want to become a youtuber of the community.

One quick question: Do you let youtubers troll a little bit? If not that’s okay.

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You are very new to the community i suggest interacting with the server before applying.


Hey there!

What do you mean by this? Correct me if I’m wrong but I think media is only a tag and a colour, I’m not sure if you have spectator mode. I do know that you don’t have creative or /v. how would you troll?

I would recommend going to this post to learn more about this.

Good luck!

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For those who don’t know I checked his channel he has 835 subs

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Probably not… They aren’t staff or anything, so I doubt they’d give you all of that power lol.
It’ a -1 from me. I recommend getting more involved in the community. I haven’t seen you on, so that is a bad sign since I’m on constantly lol

You have a good history of making videos, however I can’t find anything concerning Munchy. You also don’t seem to have a lot of recognition here. I recommend giving us a solid video of what you could bring to Munchy to show us what we can expect of you. Gameplay, or any kind of video really. Hope you will work on this, I would like to see some dedication from you as you could potentially help roll out some decent content for the server :smile_cat:


Hi @xWestPlayzMC!
You currently don’t meet the requirements for Media. Please continue to build your view count, and reapply!

Good luck with your channel!

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