Woolwars Iceberg (August 2022)

The Woolwars Iceberg


So about a year and a half ago I created a post by the name of ‘The Woolwars Iceberg’. Although this isn’t an anniversary of the post, I thought it would be pretty cool to make a new one and see if I can create a new, updated, better version of that old post. I will be creating new entries for it, as well as re writing old ones to be generally better (?maybe?) and that’s about it.

Before I begin, similar to the last post, for any newcomers I’d like to describe what an iceberg explained post actually is - it’s a post with many entries on it on a certain topic (for example - ‘The Minecraft urban legends/theories Iceberg explained’) with more obscure and interesting theories towards the bottom.

OK cool with that out of the way let’s get into it :100:

ALRIGHT with everything out of the way, here it is -

As you can see, there is A LOT of stuff to cover, so like yeah let’s go
Note : The layers are less clear on this one because I had so many entries given to me (thanks @TonyMax @ZombieBot1 ) so I’ll just be going based on the colors that I’ve given each entry.

:ice_cube: THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG :ice_cube:


:person_fencing: :person_fencing: Teams mode: After 31 years of waiting, teams mode has finally been added in the event update!! There can now be normal duos (2v2v2v2v2 etc) to 50v50 teams of war (this is very cool)

:flight_departure: Onejet: OneJet is/was (?) a woolwars player who came out of literally nowhere with a rick from rick and morty skin one day and was quite good at the game. He also made many HIGH QUALITY woolwars inspired gifs, which take up like half the screen because of how big they are, so instead of me posting one here, just look up ‘woolwars’ or ‘onejet’ in tenor gifs.

:clipboard: WInstreak leaderboard removal: The winstreak leaderboard was removed from influencing the ‘general’ leaderboard position. This is likely because it was an inaccurate measure of skill if you were to play at 4 am est where it’s just the same new player over and over and over again.

:broken_heart: Broken players (couldn’t find a good emoji): Recently there has been a strange bug that makes players spawn randomly in the air when the game starts with their waiting lobby tools, and they are invulnerable to damage and sandstone (don’t worry, they don’t count in the game and you can win if you kill any real players)

:crossed_swords: WEP: Woolwars Event Palace, or WEP for short, was a very cool event server created by @TonyMax and @ZachDontFall . They hosted casual woolwars games, tournaments, and more. THESE WERE VERY FUN and always got a lot of players.

:hourglass: Sand wars lobby: For april fools, woolwars became sand wars for the day. About an hour or so before the restart, (which would reset the map to normal) I thought it would be funny to completely wreck the lobby, such as rotating the rainbow 180 degrees, turning all wool around the portal to bedrock and water, me and @ZeePog flipping the butterfly, and more. Here’s a picture

:flying_saucer: Public game flight: There was a very strange bug that was discovered when angel, copycat, and spy kits were released that allowed players to spectate games before they started, wait out the timer, and have normal flight while playing once it started. The spectator command was quickly disabled and fixed shortly after.

And that’s it! That’s all of the entries from layer #1 which is pretty good and stuff probably. moving onto the next one right now… don’t click away yet… or do… idk

:ocean: SHALLOW WATER :ocean:


This one is kinda short, with only 3 entries, but it’s a full tier anyway cause I said so

:brain: Where did MindMyGames come from: Similar to onejet, a player by the in game name of MindMyGames literally just appeared one day and started to dominate challenge mode and normal woolwars games (:warning: he is better than me :warning: )

:world_map: New map monday ??!?!?!?! :interrobang: : This entry relates to the meme that new map monday is usually late, leading to ‘waiting for new map (day)’ gifs being made to show this point in a cool funny way I guess

:grin: HELIXSREVENGE: Very simple entry, this one relates to my old IGN when I first joined woolwars being helixsrevenge. I changed it a long time ago (before I was staff) to helixed cause the other one sucks so much and if you think it’s good you’re wrong :exclamation:

And with that, we’re done with the shallow water entries. Pretty good I must say personally but that’s just me

:swimming_man: UNDERWATER :swimming_man:


Moving along quickly, here’s the third tier of the woolwars iceberg. I literally don’t know what else to write here for the intro so let’s just do the thing

:boom: Every time BadBoyHalo joins woolwars: So almost every saturday the owner Badboyhalo hosts an event on the event server, and sometimes he joins woolwars, leading all 150-500 players to join woolwars all at the same time within the span of like 3 seconds, causing immense server lag. Often times players get false banned because of it.

:unicorn: fluffyuncorn2013: Long ago, a person who went by many (really good) names played woolwars, with the main one being fluffyuncorn2013. Those who saw him feared him for his sheer woolwars skill and power. He’s basically a myth now, but many consider him to be the #1 woolwars player of all time. His stats are good, with over a 50% wr, but most of all he was insane in events. Now, his discord account has been deleted and the name is lost in mystery.

:hotel: The Woolwars Backrooms: This theory/entry is basically just about the fact that I created some massive backrooms style mazes underground in the woolwars lobby. There were also some :cool: videos created based on this concept. I usually just did this when I was bored and also because it was a funny idea

:question: Rzyz: There was a player by the IGN Rzyz that played woolwars and got a crazy winstreak and kdr with no one (?) knowing who they are. Now, a few specific players know, but to most it’s a big mystery. We don’t know if they’ll ever return, and that’s about it. To this day they have a 100% winrate.

:cut_of_meat: All server messages are manually controlled by Beef: This is mostly a joke theory,(probably?? who knows) but it’s based on the fact that all woolwars broadcasts (not counting global broadcasts) are manually controlled by Munchy’s head admin, BFI01. It’s probably true!!



And yeah, that’s it for this tier.

:skull_and_crossbones: THE ABYSS :skull_and_crossbones:


:woolwars: WWM: WWM clan, aka WoolWars Mains was a very OG clan made by calieco a long time ago that contained some of the most powerful woolwars players of all time. It was deleted about a month or so after I joined (RIP will be remembered 4ever) due to it becoming too competitive and things like that.

:two_hearts: Couple’s favorite: Couple’s favorite (the original) was an extremely OG woolwars event also hosted by Calieco in the server eventcraft (I WASN’T EVEN APART OF IT) where 9 teams of 2 players fight to see who’s the best. Described by @joekoe as ‘the most fair & balanced event’. This event was the reason why some of the founders of the APPA clan played for so long as they did.

:fire: Woolwars lobby SMPs: One of my favorite ones on this entire iceberg for sure, and for good reason, because these were insane. One day, after woolwars stopped working properly, the server was restarted to fix the error. However, instead of it being fixed, we spawned in some random location, build was on (everyone could break blocks), and pvp was on as well. I’m not exactly sure how long it took to fix but I have a feeling they left it on for a bit because of how fun it was. Here are some screenshots!


This was insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! truly very very fun, my strategy was to run around getting diamonds and then hide them in chests placed around the map until I could craft.

:fish: Knockback 10 fish : [data expunged]

… if you know you know

And just like that, it’s over. There is definitely not anything hidden in this post. I promise. That would be weird, right? To hide things in this post?? and not explain them???
Anyway, jokes aside, thank you for reading !! If you didn’t read, thank you for checking this out!!
Leave cool theories / entries in the replies and I’ll check them out :sunglasses:

Till my next post (in 1 year),


:ice_cube: BERG


im knocking at the door

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okay helix

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@TonyMax quad kit rotation

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this is the date bfi01 turned into a cyborg

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Oh I forgot to remove that I was gonna do something with it but it leads to nothing


Where did I come from ??



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This was one of the best Woolwars moments ever, so much fun

AMAZING post helix, this is even better than the last one

i never knew about this

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got me sobbing

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ice burger

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:ok: :cool:


I actually saw the previous one, but this one looks interesting too gj!

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What if you don’t?



my alt

also my alt

yep this too

ALSO ME but no one knows until now

me (we have the same ping)


:warning: 2 NEW MAP ENTRIES JUST DROPPED :warning:

:male_detective: Undefined: The undefined map was a buyable map that caused woolwars to internally break completely and halt normal play when bought. @MindMyGames and @Zammyz bought it first as far as I know.

:leg: The More You See Leg: Just a really awesome map that was randomly in rotation one day. That’s about it for this entry, it’s pretty simple, however here is a screenshot of it in all its glory


The more you see leg

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the latter was a halloween map that was made into a legacy map afterwsrds, and i think all legacy maps were in rotation that day?

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