Why :(

Why is it okay for staff to close an ongoing discussion because they simply disagree with the opinion or perspective of a player making an assumption? Is there really a need to censor the point of view of a player just because it directly contradicts a staffs personal or general perspective? Open conversations lead to better communication and more interaction between staff and the general community. So why is it necessary to eliminate possibility of further discussions over a conflict just because you have the authority to do so?

For example: Rollbacks

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(Not trying to be hostile just disappointed that staff don’t want to discuses the toxic further.)


The staff had explained their point of view and made why they did the rollback clear. There was no need for further discussion as the question had already been answered.

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It would be a shame if staff were closing topics for that reason, but that’s not what I see going on in that post. The issue had been answered multiple times, including by an admin in a different post on the same topic (which was linked) so there wasn’t a need for it to stay open any longer.

All the management staff get that rollbacks absolutely suck and are unfair on everyone. They also rarely happen, thankfully. The reasons why we usually don’t attempt to compensate players have been outlined multiple times and there isn’t really anything that can be done about that.