What is the story of your ign?

Mine’s actually quite interesting! I was 8 years old, and my parents had just bought me minecraft for my birthday. My dad helped me create an in game name that related to minecraft, so my original ign was Craftykingofmine. Fast forward 6 years and I was getting back into minecraft after an incident happened. (Dm me on discord Crafty#0161 to find out more information because I would rather not discuss it here.) I wanted to distinguish myself from my previous self and I wanted an in game name that related to crafty but also didn’t sound stupid, so I chose the name xCrqfte. Then, after I was permanently muted on munchy I changed my name to ImAMutedCrafty so people would notice me more. Finally, because I didn’t want to associate myself with those dark times I finally changed my name to something without a dark reasoning behind it so I changed my name to Craftyyyyyy! Thanks for asking, appreciate it!