What is going on with KitPvP?

You guys are butchering McDonald’s post.

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The staff are “corrupt”…? yawns Probably every month someone throws this around as a blanket insult just because they dislike certain moderators. What is this even supposed to mean?

The newsletter is posted within the first week of the next month? Yeah it is, so what? It’s a recap of the whole entire previous month. And it is written after the month is over. Sure, sometimes it is a bit more delayed than other times because every single newsletter editor also has other commitments. No, this is not a sign of neglect. You are just trying to find things to complain about.

MOTY gets more attention than a feedback post? Of course it does. It’s the biggest forums event of the year and heavily promoted on the discord.

I think you are being a bit unfair to Mike. He’s currently busy and unavailable, yes. But that does not make him an unsuitable manager in general. The truth is, Mike is actually on the same side as you. He’s been pushing for more changes but in reality the limited development resources we do have, have just been allocated to different projects recently.

You also need to consider that KitPvP has never really received any major updates pretty much ever and does not have a dedicated developer like prison for example. This is nothing new. Since 2015 there have been maybe like 2 medium and a few small updates. It’s not a very dynamic gamemode content-wise and the entertainment of it has always come from within the community. And people have always liked it that way. Could we have given it a bit more attention here and there? Probably, but I think that’s only a relatively small portion of the problem.

I think KitPvP has some fundemental issues in the modern era of Minecraft that couldn’t be fixed with a few new kits and events here and there. I haven’t been personally involved with KitPvP in a long time but it used to be my main gamemode and I am probably more familiar with it than anyone here and as much as it pains me, I think the days of 1.8 soup pvp are over. Kit needs to change fundamentally to have a chance to succeed in 2023. Many Kit players do not like the idea of changing to 1.20 and I believe our communication of this goal has driven a few of them away. But it will need a new start and it will grow a new community. And for better or for worse, this has the potential to fix a lot of the issues. But it’s a risk. We will see how it goes.

Note that these are personal opinions rather than the official stance of the admin or kitpvp management team.