We Want YOUR Feedback: The Latest Version of PVP


1.19 Combat Testing

Calling all KitPvP players!


We want to hear from YOU this Saturday, October 1st! This weekend we will be hosting a test session of Munchy’s new 1.19 combat system, which is similar to our modified combat system recently released on prison. Our 1.19 combat system is meant to feel almost identical to lower version’s combat systems, so we need YOUR help to test the similarities and differences.

The testing event will take place on Saturday, October 1st from 3:30PM EST - 5:00PM EST. Testing will be open to everyone, and we encourage you to bring both yourself and some friends! The more feedback we receive, the better. Testing will take place on a separate test server, which will be announced at the bottom of this post the day of testing.



During testing, any and all input is appreciated! Those who provide adequate constructive feedback will receive access to some pretty cool perks! Testers who give constructive and acceptable feedback will be granted access to a brand new temporary kit, known as Octane! Testers will have access to this kit on our KitPvP server temporarily after our test session concludes and feedback is properly assessed.

Testers will also have access to a 5x token multiplier, free kit mode throughout the entire session, and an exclusive and rare tag only given to testers.

You may be wondering… Here’s some answers!


❓ Why are we testing?

Since 2015 the Minecraft community has been begging Mojang to revert their 1.9 combat changes and restore PvP to the way it used to be. Munchy, with many of you, have agreed and held that stance for an incredibly long time. Unfortunately the time is coming where parity between the old and new versions will be so distant that the experience of playing on an old version will no longer be tolerable from a player and development standpoint. That being said, the goal of this testing session is to see exactly how YOU ALL feel about it! So please, give us as much feedback as possible!

❓ Will KitPvP be going to 1.19?

This testing session will influence that decision undoubtedly, however the answer to that, at the moment of writing this, is that the odds are 50/50. We’re not taking this decision lightly in absolutely any regard and want to make sure we are fully educated on the situation before going forward. Once again, please make sure to give us all the feedback you can so we can make the best decision for you all!

❓ What if I can't make the testing?

If you can’t make the testing, do not worry! Unfortunately we cannot guarantee there will be another session like this, but your feedback is more than welcome in our discord DMs. We would like to keep the input forums post limited to those who were a part of this testing session, so your ideas will still be heard just in a separate platform.

❓ Where can I leave my Input?

During the test session, we would love to hear your input in chat! Towards the end of the session, we will open up a post here on the forums where we will ask you to provide us with constructive feedback on the combat system. Any and all unnecessary / unconstructive feedback will be removed and you will be punished accordingly.


It’s nothing like 1.8, it feels awful.

Nonetheless, i hope it goes well since we obviously cant use 1.8 forever


Ooo sounds interesting! Do we have to be there for the entire testing session or is it ok to show up a little late if we have other commitments?



Out of curiosity, if the version were to be switched would kit still support 1.7/1.8 similar to purgatory or would it be like prison where it only supports the new versions? I’m mostly asking because I feel like it might get annoying to switch from say woolwars but that’s because I play more woolwars than kit whereas it wouldn’t be a much of an issue for people who main kit over other gamemodes.


This has to be RIGHT when I’m on vacation lmao

In all seriousness, this seems cool! I’d like to see some fun ideas with arena like adding 1.9 pvp to it so I hope the testing goes well!

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I completely understand this concern, which is why I’m happy we are opening testing to the community for feedback on what can be improved. We’d love for you to be there to get a feel and give us your honest opinion to help us improve things for the better on both ends :)

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This is a great question, I think I’ll be able to put together a better reply after the test session since we are unaware of what the future holds. So, I will let you know the answer to this at a later date! :)


You can show up anytime throughout the session! Even if it’s only 15 minutes any input is appreciated :)


I’ll be attending this as I’d love to give feedback on it.

I am not too optimistic about the combat though, as I’ve tried the prison’s combat system before but I still feel it doesn’t really work as a 1.8 substitute.
If KitPvP updated to 1.19, even with a combat change, I think it could have an impact on the playerbase as well since I’m willing to bet most people will prefer 1.8 as a version too.

I main in KitPvP and I really think that while this system may work for prison, it might not work as well for KitPvP. A popular opinion is that minigames/kitpvp is where 1.8 combat lives, and for survival and other sorts of games is where the updated minecraft versions are for. I would tend to agree with this apart from specific examples.

But I’ll only be able to give my full judgement when I’ve actually tried playing on kit with the updated combat system, so I’ll make sure I’m there ^-^


I think Some people really like the old version of pvp before the combat update you could make a difference mode for that I guess and keep the normal pvp also if you want.! But I don’t really care myself and I don’t care if no one like this suggestion.


I cant pvp on new versions because of FPS issues. My computer is crappy

Also 1.19 pvp is ewwie. I prolly will get used to it sinse i like the server but still

I think this will progress the server to the next level which would be cool to see, developmemt on more complex plugins and such. I do think this will change who plays the server as well, ridding of the 1.8/1.7 mains.

@Mikeal Finally releasing Octane to the public I see?


the whole idea of this announcement is to present a combat system similar to 1.8 combat in 1.19 because everyone hates 1.9+ combat lol

how would it?
if you’re that fixated on 1.8 that you’re not willing to use a newer and better version of the game even if the feature you dislike was made to your likings, then you’re better off not playing at all.


Yeah, 1.8 pvp is really messy in new version. At least the ones I have played. Block hitting is usually severely inaccurate most of the time.

Which is why they’re doing testing!!! That’s why this server is awesome. They realized this and opened it to the public for live feedback.



(this looks sick)


ooo this sounds awesome, hopefully I can be there


Definitely should’ve clarified this when having Twinkie make the forums post… that’s my fault. Regardless, to answer a lot of people’s questions, if we did decide to make the transition, Kit would still have some type backwards compatibility to at the bare minimum, 1.8 versions.








dis looks raddddd and sickkkk