VerzideL's Media Application

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Number of subs: 981

Average number of views per vid: 41k views stats

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: There’s about a month since ago.

Servers for which you have created content: PvPLand, MunchyMC, Zonix, Void

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC: Whatever i want me to promotion i myself do like famous I’m a hero the kindness why’re all these loves munchymc kitpvp everywhere of invincible characters for design and I knows we will next month delay announcement too the creation of munchymc alternative experience of all production character in fact, I would you think make it canadidate I am so good about called disablity is not true I’m a deaf I will be came alot of munchymc need active play kitpvp I am so with the minecraft assoication for the community online. I used software production is from mine imator it was improvement better I’m a intelligence too realization didn’t trust you we nothing won’t even nature different, nobody does munchymc always choice update in the future.

Can you re-write your application? I don’t know if you know proper English or anything, but we can’t really understand this.

Goodluck tho :)

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Application denied. Unfortunately you do not meet the Media requirements which can be found here if needed. If you have any questions, or would like me to explain in more detail, feel free to message me on discord. NoEffortName#3750

Please wait 1 month before reapplying.