The Truth About KitPvP Being 1.7-8 And 1.19+

Thank you for your concerns and continuous discussion. We always love player feedback, especially when it’s detailed. I want to remind everyone that none of this is final. KitPvP being 1.19 is an idea that we want to explore. The PvP is coded to be the same as 1.7/1.8, and as a person who has played Munchy for years and is still somehow on the leaderboards for casual kills, the developers did a great job of making it very close.

The majority of what you wrote was already discussed in this post, so if anyone would like to see how the management is discussing the possible version switch, we put our thoughts there.

As promised, there is a two-part update for Kit; a smaller one with quality-of-life changes and a larger one featuring more kits, interactions, etc. The first update will be in 1.7/1.8, so don’t worry. The update will come out very soon. Yes, I know, “soon” hasn’t meant anything for the past two years, but things are different now. We value everyone’s opinions and thank you again for bringing this up respectfully. We will take this into consideration.