The KitPvP community is terrible. (Rant)

We’ve discussed this briefly in discord DMs IceBreaker, but here’s my brief input for everyone else:

I wish the situation was simple and not the multifaceted dilemma that in reality it actually is. Parasitz explained how complex it can get very well in saying that the definition of targeting on its own is quite difficult to define, as intentions play a major factor in these situations.

The other problem is that, while your frustrations are absolutely valid and you are more than entitled to feel the way you do, the community is very split on the issue, with many people wanting to be allowed to do such things, just as many people do not want it.

With all that being said,
There should be an (almost… or maybe exactly) perfect solution to this issue coming soon. Stay tuned, interesting and fun things are coming :slight_smile: