Survival Interviews 38 - LucidDaisy

Survival Interviews!

If you want to be interviewed or you have a suggestion for who you want to see interviewed message me here on the forums or on discord Mysan#0152

LucidDaisy joined Munchy on November 9th 2019. She owns shop 110 and not that long ago she has started making map arts on the server.

Question 1! If you could change anything about the server what would you change?
I would probably change the warp beacon at spawn, it should be a command so we don’t have to go spawn every time. I could be being lazy but oh well! :)

Question 2! What is your favorite thing about this survival server overall?
My favourite thing about survival is definitely the community, if you ask ppl most ppl will say this. I love how they all help with any problems and host a bunch of events!! Last season not much ppl hosted events but this season there is loads!

Question 3! What is your least favorite thing about this survival server overall?
My least favourite thing, probably the people who grief, steal, etc! Not many ppl do this but now and again I will see it. But other then that everything else is fine. :)

Question 4! Which head from the mini crates is your favorite?
My favourite head is definitely the tv and kiwi head. If I had to pick one it would be the tv. I rly like how it looks idk why. But for the kiwi it’s bcs kiwi=qts ;)

Question 5! If you could bring back a crate item from map 2 which one would you bring back?
I would bring back rudolph boots. I had them for a little bit I believe. And they were really fun to use! ;)

Extra Question 1! What is your favorite thing to do when you are on the server?
Recently I’ve been doing mapart and finding it quite fun. I also recently got a 2nd house on survival and decorating it and getting a bunch of pets for it has been fun!

Extra Question 2! If you could create any crate item (even if it was really op) what would you create?
A hoe that automatically tills the ground and places what ever vegetable u have in your inventory, if that makes sense ;)

Extra Question 3! If you have any goals or plans for this map what are they?
Well last season I made a massive, semi-auto potato farm, this season I want to make a bigger one ;) and I also plan on saving gold for +

Extra Question 4! What is your favorite memory/moment from survival?
My favourite moment, hmm probably during the reset for season 3. Everybody was so hyped and happy it was really cool :)

Extra Question 5! Why did you pick the name LucidDaisy?
So how I picked my name was during season 2, I was good friends with Kait and and I wanted a new user, so she said to thing of my favourite flower and a cool word. Daisy, and Lucid. So then LucidDaisy came out of it

Thanks a lot to @LucidDaisy for letting me interview her :slight_smile: :heart:


ludi dasiy more like luigi dizzy hahaha :laughing: :laughing:

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DAAISSYYYY - one of the first people i became friends with on surv when i first joined! what a cutie :purple_heart: :pleading_face:


lucid killed tom :c


But for the kiwi it’s bcs kiwi=qts ;)

Kiwis are indeed cuties :purple_heart: :kiwi_fruit:




Yea you built my house in season 2!! :) cutieee


lucid is cool


omg cool name lore