Smash bros type renders

Yes, they are requestable

The roster so far:


can you make a render of me and @NuggetNed kissing on the battlebus


Won’t do that, but i will make a render of you. just tell me what it will look like.

me kissing nuggetned

no, not like that xD

like these smash bros renders. singular character.

pit (me) kissing dog hunt (nuggetned)

i give up.

yo that’s so cool

do you want one?

umm sure

Wow that looks so cool!
Would it be possible for you to make one of me? :slight_smile:
If it’s possible could you make it like I am escaping a prison if you can also add a background? Maybe escaping through an air duct or hiding from a prison watch tower with a diamond sword on the back or something else that looks cool! :smiley:


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They look so cool!

Could you make me one? :smiley:

ok this this epic

That’s so cool! Can you make me one? :)

can you make a render of me and @Ricky33 kissing on the battlebus?

yes i can!


no. not at all.

I would like one as well please :slight_smile: and maybe one of @saladbutter and I kissing on the battlebus?
