Skin Competition Time & Place

Hi Everyone! :grin:
I recently announced an upcoming Skin Competition (Skin Competition), and I have set the date and time for the competition.
The competition will be on March 20 (this Friday) at
16:30 EST (Eastern Standard Time)
21:30 CET (Central European Time)
20:30 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
7:30 AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
and will be at /warp event. (Enter KitPvP and type “/warp event” in chat)
Hosting the Competition with me will be

  • the lovely Event Team Member @Gavot
  • the lovely Prison Moderator @ImMCMMO

Huge thank you to both of them.

I added a Link where you can add your Timezone and see what time the Competition is for you: Zeitzonenrechner – Zeitzonen umrechnen

As I mentioned in the last post, the winner (whoever we decide has the best Minecraft Skin) will recieve a 10$ Optifine Cape

I hope to see all of you at the Competition! :smiley: