Sizzle's Media Application

Channel link: SizzleBrov - YouTube

Number of subs: 111

Average number of views per vid: Around 200, the amount may vary.

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: I’ve loved minecraft I’ve been doing minecraft content since I started my youtube channel! :smiley:

Servers for which you have created content: Hypixel, Minehut Etc, a lot more.

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC: I feel like I’d be a great canidate because I’d love to help the community out and support the community and play Munchy’s new mini games which will be loads of fun. I’ll create content for the people who enjoy watching about MunchyMC. My hope is to make everyone smile with my content and make sure they enjoy it! :smiley:

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Hello Sizzle!

Unfortunately, I will have to rate your application -1.
The reason for this is that you do not meet the requirements:

  • You have no Munchy content on your channel.
  • You do not have the minimum requirement of 1500 subscribers.
  • Though some of your videos have upwards of 200 views, your most recent video has less than 50. A consistent viewership of around 250 views per video on your latest video is required.

The full list of requirements can be viewed here.

In any case, I wish you the best of luck!



Hi Sizzle! Thanks for your interest in the media rank. Unfortunately, I will have to deny your application at this time, as you do not meet the requirements which can be found here. Please feel free to apply again once these requirements are met.