Pulp's Staff Application #2 - December 2020

Prerequisite checklist:

- Have you been a regular player on MunchyMC for at least one month?:

Yes I have been playing munchy for just around 2 years now, have played on many accounts throughout the years. Main one being “G0FLA”

- Are you able to record and upload good quality videos of hackers?:

Yes, with no issue.

- Do you have TeamSpeak3 and Discord downloaded and are competent with them?:

Yes, I am very familiar with both.




(add me while you’re at the link)





Languages spoken:


Server(s) you are interested in moderating:


How active can you be per week?

As of now I am a full time college student. I have class 5 days a week. I made up a current schedule of what the time frame may be.

Monday - 10:00am-6:00pm
Tuesday - 4:00pm-10:00pm
Wednesday - 2:00pm - 12:00am
Thursday - 2:00pm - 12:00am
Friday - 11:00am - 1:00am
Saturday/Sunday - Depends on what i’m doing on the weekend.

Note: this is always set to change.

Do you have any punishments on our network? If so, please describe your side of story:

Yes, I had one previous “serious” punishment on the network around 4/5 months ago. I was planning on quitting the server with a bunch of my friends and used a hacked client to get banned. I did no harm to any players besides my friends who also got banned at the same time. Had regret doing what I did and purchased an unban less than a week later.

Other than that I have 2 false bans and a couple troll bans and mutes, some on my new account “Pulp” and some on my old accounts “G0LFA” and “G0FLA”
I regrete what I did and this has hurt my chances in the past for other reasons.

Have you applied for this role before? If so, please explain the steps you have taken to improve as an applicant since your last application:

Yes I have applied for this role one time before, last staff team recruitment. The steps I have taken from there to become a better applicant was getting offered the Helper position of course, it has taught me the ropes of how to be a part of this staff team and how you guys go along with everything. Besides that I have also joined the Event team which has taught me other commands within the server and how to use them. I think the main steps you could say I have taken is learning more about how the server functions and what to do.

What do you think your reputation is like within the community?

Reputation is always a tricky question. You never know how some people feel about you.
But for the most part I believe my reputation within the community is fairly good, I stay friendly with all of the players, try to never be toxic, stay talkative in chat talk with people and need, and so on.

I always try to show a more positive side to munchy, rather it be helping out a new player, or being friendly towards the community. I believe every player should be treated with a level of respect, no matter if they dislike me or not.
Over the past 2 years on munchy (about to hit the 2 year mark here within a week) I have made a lot of amazing friends and I could not be happier with how it turned out. Munchy overall has a great community and I want to keep it that way.

Why are you interested in the role and what motivated you to apply?

There could be countless reasons I apply for this role. Main reason being munchy is my favorite server, of course. I play here for hours upon hours a day. I hate to see players or cheaters hurting other players trying to enjoy the game. Other than that, there are some periods throughout the day when I am online when there is no staff online when a cheater is running free around the kitpvp map with no one putting an end to them.

So I guess you could say my main interest in this role would be just my overall love for Munchy.

Out of 10 (with 10 being very knowledgeable), how would you rate your knowledge on moderating a community?


I believe my knowledge of moderating the Munchy community is fairly well. I have had some practice with this for the month or two, and have also seen how other staff members moderate the current community and have taken tips from them. I am always ready to learn and improve to better myself to increase this number.

Out of 10 (with 10 being very knowledgeable), what would you rate your knowledge on Minecraft hacks and cheats, including finding and identifying cheaters?


Catching hackers or cheaters can always be a challenge, a lot of players “closet” cheat and try to stay hidden, and make the game un-fun for other people by using an unfair advantage. If I were able to confidently say I could know they were cheating, I would change my rating to a higher number. I believe 6 is a decently strong number, and will always have time to improve over time. There are other hacks/cheats players may use that are easy to catch or notice, for example, fly, killaura, auto soup, crits. These would be easier hacks to detect and pick up on. But Ares does a good job catching these types of cheaters.

Some hacks I am knowledgeable of.

  • Killaura - Allows the cheater to hit all enemys without doing anything within a set radius.

  • Velocity - Gives the player an option to enable reduced knockback, similar to Anti KB

  • Autoclicker - Lets a player hold down M1 instead of having to click like all of the other players.

Please link us to any hacker reports you have made (recorded and/or reported) on MunchyMC:**

Have 1 linked videos below. Other than this I have made countless reports to higher up staff members.

Awpa cheating (ban mid fight)

I want to thank everyone for taking your time to read through my application, and wish all of the other applicants the best of luck!



yes yes yes yes yes
ign Pulp is a great person, very active, and helpful. good luck good sir!!!

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+1 yes


best media and helper rank out there

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+1 yes


+1 fortnite

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+1 - Quite old and mature and very old


kind, friendly, active, would love to see this man in purple!


Better application i’ll ever make i rate this a +3 for maturity and actually helping players out


+1 takes it serious and In my eyes he fills the spot for munchys future. all around very nice guy, outgoing, respectful and truthful. Well deserved in my eyes for the community of munchymc.


@XXXMOUSE @sky_awsmness @Serioux @sprayers @tazlife @Vurm @SixMinys @Atterax @Local

Thank you guys :D


+1 for gofla.

i dont like pulp in juice but gofla is pretty cool.



I have nothing to say, it’s G0FLA.

You’re an amazing helper and you do your job well. I hope to see you with the JMod tag soon :).


Pulp is a great helper, and a very active one. Good luck! +1


+1 for being mature


+1 bandoK

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Pulp is a great guy, and honestly would be a great JMod, he’s helpful and very mature. Good Luck!


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Strong application.
Mature enough to fit the role.

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@Conk @DrakeOfStars @SierHasArrived @FishBoyYT @xShrek @Plephix @BROXBURN

Thanks for the feedback :D

You’re very active and mature.
Good Luck Pulp (the other player with a Semi-OG name)

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