Petition to slightly buff titan kit

Yea yea, you may be thinking “Oh titan kit is so op, it literally can 1-shot all kits.” and do that I slightly agree. Yes titan kit can in-fact 1 shot all kits, but its a glass cannon. Why? You may be asking, well little known fact about titan kit is that for every level of strength you get, normally you need to “sacrifice” a full heart. So when you have strength 151 you have half a heart. But that part isn’t why I am asking, no PLEADING for a buff for titan, not for armor, not for it to get speed, not to buff the weapon, but instead the most heart wrenching problem with titan. Which is after 30 seconds to 1 minute after “sacrificing” half a heart, a full heart regenerates. Making you lose a level of strength or all of it, AND keeping you pre-regenerated armor. So if you have connected the dots yet. Everyone runs away from titan kits, because they may have orange/yellow armor, then the strength gets removed, then when you finally catch up to the (normally) archer kit. You have 0 strength, and then level 1 strength and almost no healing left, AND across the map. You are forced to run to the nearest Free Soup thing, get healing, then run back to where people are whilst running out of that strength. While still having orange/yellow armor.

Now my plea is that either the heart regeneration is disabled, or that its slowed down to like 2 minutes-3 minutes with the armor being updated to show your level of strength. Because being a 1/3 titan main for nearly 2 years, titan kit feels like its in its worse state. But if its too op if it doesn’t/have a worse heart regeneration, then make the cooldown for the ability higher. But please the heart regeneration is bad.


+1 titan currently is underpowered

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