PatientBoar1186´s builder application!


Your overall application is great! However, I came up with some advice that may help you!

How much do you know about WorldEdit? What are some commands you know? What can you do with WorldEdit? Also, what about VoxelSniper?

Why are these your weaknesses/strengths? Maybe include more information here.

You should include more. What was your role on those servers? What were the names of the servers?

You joined on June 1.

I think your build looks pretty nice! I like the modern feel to it. When you make more builds, be sure to include them!

To make your application a bit neater, you should bold each of the questions. This makes it not look like a wall of text.

Also, try to use formal language in your application. Instead of saying the following:

Try saying something similar to the following:

I have played on MunchyMC for one month now. I want to play longer because I enjoy playing on the server.

Overall, I think you should add more detail. Go here to take a look at accepted builder applications and here to take a look at some tips!

I hope you found this useful! :slightly_smiling_face:

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