Omg how!?!?! (Part 2 of I just died... again.)

Something happend that just BLEW MY MIND!!!
So as i was sad with grief walking back with saddness at least getting food I saw something…
it was- no it couldnt b- IT WAS MY STUFF!
ALL THERE PERFECTLY!!! I do not know hoooow! But it was there and I saw the item clear do down I saw it in chat!!!
If this was a mod or a rank thing where u just dont lose ur stuff thank you mods :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))!!!
I guess it was just meant to be that I dont die.
Omg I still cant belive this happend!

See part one: I just died… again - Server Discussions / Feedback / Survival - MunchyMC Forums


Mostly Item Clear clears everything.
Staff wont really give it back to you as far as I know. But im not a Survival Player might aswell get a Mod to answer this :> @Atterax Can Help you for sure! :heart:

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I believe the item clear doesn’t delete items that are very far from any players


If the chunks aren’t being rendered by anybody, the items don’t get cleared :heart:

I learnt this the hard way, several times FYI.

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Oh thanks so much I was confused XD