Not useless this is a suggestion

These are suggestion for the whole server

1.Sometimes the rank should reset for alot of people if they change their username

2.ban rules It would show what you can get banned for

3.Letting people BUILD in a mode called CREATIVE

1.Can you be more specific with this one … not sure what your point is
2. /rules
3. Think a creative mode would both be unprofitable and players wouldn’t be interested in playing one


are you saying using Plotme sucks 2. IK RULE’S IS A COMMAND BUT IF YOUR IN FULLSCREEN IT SOMETIMES MESSES UP THE GAME SO :confused: 3. sorry for caps Didn’t realize Cap locks was on

First off why #1? For the second one, I’m pretty sure almost everyone who has common sense knows what could get them banned, and if you don’t the rules are pretty clear. I don’t think they need a specification for what can result in a ban for 2 reasons-

  1. I’m pretty sure it’s pretty obvious the difference between a mute and ban punishment
  2. You should just follow any rules no matter if it gets you in the least amount of trouble.
    Other than that your 3rd recommendation would be a good idea. Good luck!
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Here are the rules, if you are unsure.

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The #2 is somewhat understandable, on some server, they never give out mutes, they only kick or ban, fe. one has it in their rules for the staff to never mute anyone, bans of 1-10 hours are given out instead.
Some servers are also very specific with their rules, fe. mineplex have their rules on lawyer height, each rule explains everything together with an example, while other servers use the term “common sense” to specify every rule they didn’t specify. Common sense is a broad spectrum, players of 2b2t have the common sense of using hacked clients to even leave the spawn and are masters of patience, as 2b2t runs on like 1 t/s, others use hacked clients to build faster with, which is allowed on some servers for only building their faction base, and <insert example to make the normal “common sense” only the center of the triangle spectrum>

Why? Why should their ranks be reset if they change their username? It makes no sense as they spent good money for the ranks, If they got reset every time they change their username, They would lose money!

There’s this one command, Now… What was it called? Oh yeah. /rules

From all of the creative servers I have been on, They have usually been dead, and not many people buy stuff on them.


What? That makes no sense. You bought the rank for a set time maybe a month and maybe lifetime. It doesn’t make any sense that if you buy lifetime legend for example as soon as you change your name it goes away. This idea is not good at all!

You can easily access the rules by click this link.

Or you could go to single player and build in creative mode. Most of the creative servers are dead anyway and they are not profitable.