MunchyMC's Stance on Doxing and DDosing

TL;DR Participating in the Doxing or Ddosing of a MunchyMC player will result in a perm ban from this point forward. If you hang out with people or are apart of groups who you know are doing it as well you may also end up getting banned.

As the internet becomes more advanced and more integrated in our lives privacy is going to become more and more of an issue. And with privacy doxing and ddosing will become more problematic as well.

Recently we’ve had a large number of players complaining about Ddosing and Doxing so I’m going to make it clear what MunchyMC’s position is on these as well as some things you can do to help prevent yourself from being doxed or ddosed.

First however we need to answer exactly what Doxing and Ddosing are…

According to Urban Dictionary(the #1 source internet dictionary of course) Doxing is defined as:

“A technique of tracing someone or gathering information about an individual using sources on the internet”

While ddosing is defined as:

Its when someone attacks a specific IP Address in many cases sending a lot of large packets at once so that the IP Address cannot handle all the incoming requests and crashes.

Basically, Doxing is collecting someone’s information and spreading it or using that information to blackmail or harass someone. While ddosing is using a booter or some other method to send packets to overload someone’s internet connection causing them to lose connection.

Doxing might be more serious for you depending on what country your in as people can swat or more easily harass people in the U.S. than in other countries.

What’s Our Policy?

In the past, we at Munchy have taken a more laissez-faire position on Doxing and Ddosing in that we would only take action if it happened on the server or was brought to the server in some way.

However, we’re now going to punish any user who engages in either activity even if it’s in an area unconnected to Munchy. What this means is if it is brought to our attention and we deem that there is sufficient evidence that a player is DDosing or Doxing another player who plays on Munchy or has played on Munchy at any point then that person will be Permanently Banned.

In the event that the person who did the Doxing or Ddosing is apart of a group of people who engage in similar activities. All members of the group will be banned as well. In special cases we will also ban anyone who associates with the doxer/ddoser. That includes but is not limited to: Teamspeak, Discord Groups, Skype groups, private communities, etc. Being involved with them may result in you being banned as well. So if you know someone is engaging in this behavior distance yourself from them or you may be punished too.

Now with this being the case, it’s important that if you are being ddosed or doxed or you know someone who is it’s important that provide as much evidence as possible so that we can handle the situation effectively. Failure to provide enough screenshots or chatlogs that can prove your case may mean that the ddoser or doxer goes unpunished. The sooner you make a report the better.

Keep in mind though that even though doxing and ddosing are against the rules. It’s your job at the end of the day to make sure that your accounts, and information are secure to the best of your ability. And that you don’t share information that could allow people to find personal information about you. At the end of the day MunchyMC is not responsible if you’re doxed through your own actions or lack their of or otherwise.

So how can you protect yourself?

Well, if you’re information is already compromised you really can’t. And if you are This is more of a pre-emptive step. but there are a few rules you should follow.


  • Stop using the same password for everything. Get a password manager like lastpass or keypass and set up super complicated passwords for each website that won’t be indentical. This makes it much harder for anyone who does get one of your passwords somehow to get access to other websites or services.


  • Just don’t, don’t put your real info on websites you don’t have to. Don’t use the same email for everything, Etc.

#3 If you get pizza sent to your house. DON’T TELL ANYONE!

  • Confirming to the ‘doxer’ that you were swatted or pizza arrived at your house will only encourage them to do it more. Do not tell ANYONE if it happens to you. Seriously, Don’t tell anyone. Don’t answer questions about it. Don’t confirm it. Don’t post it on facebook. Tell any roomates or family living with you to do the same.


  • Besides being a terrible platform. They can’t seem to block IP resolvers and they can’t get proxies to work with them either. Seriously screw you skype/microsoft. Get you’re act together. If you use skype without a VPN you’re asking for trouble. This includes going into random teamspeaks, clicking random links, etc. All these are methods people can use to get IP’s
    Update: This is no longer an issue with Skype. It is still recommended not to use any program that let’s people see your real ip address


  • If you really wanna keep someone from getting you’re ip, use a reputable vpn. MunchyMC automatically blocks vpns in order to deal with hackers who abuse them to bypass unbans. But we will whitelist any user to use a vpn upon request, simply ask a staff member or make a support ticket.

#6 Know that being online carries the risk that you may be doxed anyway.

  • Even with all the prep, you may take it still might not be enough. I thought I had prepared sufficiently but unfortunately, I missed a couple spots and I ended up getting doxed myself. I’ve had so much pizza sent to my house that my address is blacklisted at every pizza place within 20 miles. However, I’m a much more “public” figure than a lot of you and it should be much easier for you guys to avoid being doxed or ddosed if you follow these tips.

For more info and tips to avoid it read here.

Consider this your official warning everyone.

Updated March 2023 for clarity and to remove outdated recommendations