Media Rank - ShaneXGaminq

Channel link:

Number of subs: 229

Average number of views per vid: 70-100 if its been like 1-2 weeks or so. (I understand that its below the requirements but i thought i would give it a shot.)

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: The first upload i made on MunchyMC was around 12 Months ago. (May 23, 2017)

Servers for which you have created content: VeltPvP // MunchyMC // FaithfulMC // Hypixel //

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? I´ve been creating content on MunchyMC for around a year now. I have recently stopped uploading on munchy because i got into PotPvP, however when i saw that Prison map 5 was coming out i got on MunchyMC and started playing again. I don´t have many recent videos on MunchyMC right now but im sure i will create more! I also chat a lot with other players. I´m not toxic and I don´t tell people to harm themselves in anyway. If this doesn´t get accepted i understand as i have not hit the requirements yet but i thought i would give it a try.

PS: I will start to record on MunchyMC regardless i get the Media rank or not, im just waiting till Prison Map 5 comes out!

Personally, I don’t think you should get Media because you don’t meet the standards, but regardless, good luck with it!


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Hey man,

So I see you dont actually have any current content for Munchy on your channel (correct me if this is wrong but I don’t see any after your stream 5 months ago),

Currently I don’t feel you should be given the Media rank, but I’ll give you some feedback on what would make your application more appealing.

Going by the media rank requirements, here is what you need to imporve on:

  • Have atleast 500 subs
  • Have an average view count of 150 (currently 72)
  • Post videos with a longer view length than 5 minutes (most sitting around 2:30 to 4:30 currently)
  • And most importantly, interact with the community more, I am sure not many people know who you are yet!

Goodluck on improving your channel, content, and exposure to the MunchyMC community.

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Thanks for the feedback! I am currently making more videos for MunchyMC! And for the third point: I have tried making my content more enjoyable but its quite a slow process. And for the final one, I do think that I am quite known in the community at least with the people from eu.

Again Thanks for the Feedback!

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Hey there! Unfortunately you need at least 500 subs to apply for media rank. You can read all about it here.

Good luck anyways!

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I understand that I do not meet the requirements but i just thought i would give it a try. Thanks for your feedback though!

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If you understood that you didn’t meet the requirements, why did you make an application. :thinking:


People make exceptions :stuck_out_tongue:

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Nope, dont fill requirements you shouldnt get special service


Thanks for the Feedback :stuck_out_tongue:

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Off-topic post:
Let us all stop pretending to be making this decision ourselves. @ShaneXGaminq has acknowledged that his chances of being accepted may not be very high because he does not quite meet all the requirements. Therefore, it is not at all needed to remind him of this fact again and again and again.
Constructive feedback that adds a new perspective as well as possibilities for improvement - as given by @IamAGirl (laudation to you) - are always appreciated.
Repeating the obvious while ignoring the previous posts and complaining about “special service”, on the other hand, is completely unnecessary.
After all, ShaneXGaminq is completely right: people do make exceptions - often for very good reasons - and applying for a position despite not fulfilling all the expectations is completely fine. Whether the requirements are set in stone and whether special circumstances apply is completely up to the responsible staff and not to anyone else commenting on the application.
Give people feedback or wish them luck for their application, but please don’t drag them down or pretend to have authority on the subject. Be nice instead and leave out the irrelevant comments.


Well said! It’s like whenever someone posts a ban appeal on the forums, then there is like 10 people telling them to make a ticket. :laughing:


@cheater does have a point. Even though you don’t fulfill all the requirements doesn’t mean You don’t deserve feedback.

I like some of your content. I think you should do more videos on Munchy (I know you are planning to).
I’m sticking with all that @IamAGirl said. I think you need to get to know the community a little better, because I haven’t seen you on for many months and when I did you used to be toxic.

  • good luck!!!



I agree with you :smile:

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Off Topic

Cheater, _I did not read the other replies. I was simply commenting my own opinion. I have duly noted your post though. I will be less blunt and less inconclusive with the words I choose in the future. My way of thinking was that if he were to be accepted more and more people would try to apply for media without meeting the requirements. I’m hoping both you and ShaneXGaminq don’t take this personally against my character for I am very blunt with my words.


It´s fine :smiley:

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I would say give him cause rn munchy can’t be picky on ytbers, but that is my opinion.


Thanks :smiley:

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I guess that is true but again he does not meet the requirements and how do we know if people will watch his videos.
anyway good luck :slight_smile:


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