Lemon's Staff Application (Winter 2020)

Prerequisite checklist:

- Have you been a regular player on MunchyMC for at least one month?:

Yes, I have been active daily on Survival Games since May of 2020.

- Are you able to record and upload good quality videos of hackers?:

Yes, I use OBS to screen record in high quality.

- Do you have TeamSpeak3 and Discord downloaded and are competent with them?:

Yes, I use both Discord and TeamSpeak3 frequently.


IGN: lemonnn_ (former IGNs can be found here)

Age: 16

Timezone: EST - Eastern Standard Time

Languages spoken: French and English

Server(s) you are interested in moderating: Survival Games

How active can you be per week?

  • Monday to Thursday : 3:00pm - 11:00pm

  • Friday : 3:00pm - 5:00pm, 11pm - 12:30am

  • Saturday : 2:00pm - 12:00am

  • Sunday : 2:00pm - 11:00pm

Note : These are estimations. Times may vary due to homework, sports, etc.

Do you have any punishments on our network? If so, please describe your side of story:

My only punishment on the MunchyMC Network was a console mute for spam while messing around with friends on SG.

Have you applied for this role before? If so, please explain the steps you have taken to improve as an applicant since your last application:

I have applied for this position once before (last season). I was told to become more active on the Forums, which I did. I received the New User of the Month badge and I have continued to stay as active as possible on the Munchy Forums.

Shortly after my last application, I was offered the Survival Games Helper rank. Since accepting this role, I have learned tons about the Munchy Staff Team, and I have gotten to know many of the Staff members.

What do you think your reputation is like within the community?

I truly believe I have a good reputation within the community. Since I am very active on SG, I have gotten to know many of the regular players in the game-mode. I do my very best to be super friendly and welcoming to all players on SG. I try to answer all questions players ask me as quickly as I can, making sure that all players understand how to play SG so that everyone can have a great time playing.

Why are you interested in the role and what motivated you to apply?

I am interested in this role because, so far, I have really enjoyed my time as a Helper. I love meeting new players and I am glad to answer any questions they might have for me. I would be happy to be able to do even more for MunchyMC as a JMod. I would also like to see SG grow as a game-mode, and I feel that as a JMod, I would be able to help keep SG as free of hackers and rule-breakers as possible, so all players can have an amazing experience on the server.

Out of 10 (with 10 being very knowledgeable), how would you rate your knowledge on moderating a community?

I would rate myself an 8 out of 10. Throughout my time so far as a Helper, I have learned lots about moderating the MunchyMC community. I feel much more prepared and experienced than I was during the last staff recruitment season.

Out of 10 (with 10 being very knowledgeable), what would you rate your knowledge on Minecraft hacks and cheats, including finding and identifying cheaters?

I would give myself a 7 out of 10. I am able to identify many PvP-based hacks and cheats. I do still have plenty to learn, however I would be very excited to gain experience and broaden my knowledge of hacks through MunchyMC.

Please link us to any hacker reports you have made (recorded and/or reported) on MunchyMC:

I have many more hacker reports, however I did not want them to take up too much space on my application. Many of my forums posts are reports, so feel free to check those out here.

On top of hacker-reports, I have reported many rule-breakers on SG (abusing glitches, etc). These were reported directly to online staff.

I appreciate the opportunity to apply for staff. Good luck to all other applicants!! <3

Edit: Fixed one of the hyperlinks.


+100000 you are honestly one of the best applicants! You are very active and friendly and I would want to see you as staff!

Good luck! :smiley:

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Thank you so much Vurm! That means alot! :smile:

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  • Active

  • Helpful

Good Luck!!!

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Lemon is one of the friendliest people I know on Munchy. She’s very active in the Survival Games community, and is really passionate about keeping it a fun experience for everyone that plays it. She’s doing an amazing job as Helper, and would honestly make a great staff member. Good luck Lemy!!!

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+1 yes

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@W4FI, @Qu1ff, @0CRC0, Thank you all! <3

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+2 very detalied

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+1 indeed!!!


+1 yes, active, nice, and knowledgeable. Just all around an amazing person!

Good Luck!!!

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+1 tomatos > lemons tho

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@sky_awsmness, @McDonalds, @Ripshot, @xoLilith, Thank you for the support!! <3

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+1 Lemon is so so sweet and is one of the most active SG players I know. She always goes out of her way to help others as much as she can, she would be a great addition to staff. GL LEMONN :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :purple_heart:


Very active and friendly person, really dedicated to survival games too, seems like the perfect fit for me. +1


Very detailed and well written application! +1

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Hey Lemon, while I appreciate the application, at the moment due to the size of SG’s regular playerbase, we can’t justify adding another Junior Moderator to the team just yet. I appreciate all the work you’ve done as a helper thus far and if SG’s playerbase grows more significantly in the future, know you’ll be one of the first on the list of promotions. :)