Im done

i just started playing again and i have been ip suspended for no reason i did a ticket but said i need to buy an unban for something i didn’t do this makes me mad further more im done bye.

proof: go to around 46 minutes


Hey Zach,
When i went to a different country that actually happened to me too i just waited a couple of minutes/hours trying to relog and then I connected back to the server.

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but now i am perm banned because i did try to use my vpn to log in then i was in the purgatory banned

Oh, then i can’t help with that.

real smart buddie vpns get u banned on servers

i just tried it because i thought i maybe could get in

just wait a year, i had 0 chance to get unbanned then i appealed like last month and got unbanned

the thing is i just appealed 1 week ago and started to play again

did u provide proof on why ur ban is false

yes the youtube link and this is what they said

Unfortunatly you cannot appeal an IP ban, you can request to have it removed but only by purchasing an unban on our store, then creating a ticket to say you have done so.


like im really annoyed because there is proof and its obvious i didn’t hack and there still trying not to unban for something i didn’t do like i feel very disrespected

well hate to say it but whoever answered that ticket has brain tumour

so what should i do?

maybe reappeal or contact an admin, im going to sleep, take care and goodnight

okay how do i contact and admin and do you think i was wrongfully banned and goodnight

Hey there @zach508605!
Watching the linked video, you seem to have forge installed, including a few mods.
Have you been possibly using a banned mod that gives you a higher advantage over other players?
Please go over your modifications list and check for anything that might give you said advantage.
If you cannot find anything that might interfere with Munchy’s rules, then I, unfortunately, cannot help you at this time.
I’d also be glad to assist you in finding one in case you’re a little confused over discord (Bqre#0001).

Good luck!

P.S. - You can always check the Banned modifications list for more knowledge regarding Munchy’s rules.

I always look before using my mods all the ones i used are allowed

I don’t believe staff would ban for no reason munchymc staff is told to always have evidence in order to ban someone