Harry Potter Theme Cell Design Contest


That’s right! It is time for another cell design contest!! :tada: :tada:

That’s right but who doesn’t like free store credit?!?!:money_mouth_face:

Theme: Harry Potter!! :mage::woman_mage:

Three winners will be chosen:

:heart: First place: 30$ store credit
:yellow_heart: Second place: 15$ store credit
:green_heart: Third place: 10$ store credit

Rules and Judging: :man_judge::woman_judge::man_judge:

  • You may not build anything vulgar.
  • Your build will be judged on Theme Appropriateness, Creativity, and Overall Appearance.
  • You may only enter with one cell per player!
  • You may enter with any cells and with any blocks!
  • The judges will be BadBoyHalo, Antfrost, TheRedVelvetCake, and Joha4732.

When and Where:

  • The contest starts as you read this!
  • The entered cells will be judged on January 31st, however you may not touch your entered cell after January 30th!

How to enter:

  • To enter the contest, reply to this topic with your IGN and the Cell number of the cell where you will be doing the contest in!

IGN: Joha4732
Cell: C1

Good luck to everyone!:four_leaf_clover:

Last contest winners:

First place: @BLOKBASHER, Cell: Secret10

Second place: @DaanB100, Cell: A13

Third place: @ingbjomar, Cell B123


Common questions:

I do not have access to /build and cant build anything fancy, what do I do?

Fear not, you can either buy access to /build right here, or you can simply ask someone in game with access to /build to buy you some blocks for you!

I do not own a big enough cell to have my entire build in it, what do I do?

The cells gets bigger and bigger with each cell block (D, C, B, and A). If you want to build a bigger build, feel free to try to reach a new cellblock before the judging will take place!

I own a secret cell, am I allowed to use that?

Yes, secret cells are allowed in this contest and they are often bigger than many other cells and might therefore give you an advantage! How do you get a secret cell you ask? Well explore the inside of the prison map and you might just run into, one ;)

I would like to use some fancy blocks, but don’t know which ones /build has to offer… Where can I see which blocks /build have access to?

Right here:
49 59


Good luck everyone, glad to see these events happening.

1 Like

IGN: DaanB100
Cell: A14

IGN: ingbjomar
Cell: A75

Whats the next cell design contest theme i need a head start

Cell: A112

You will have to wait and see! ;) In the meantime make sure to participate in this one!

ign: Whirlpoolie
Cell: c71

We have decided to extend this contest to January 31st!
Please make sure to read this post for further details: :smiley:

Stop doing this lol i don’t want the competition.

1 Like

IGN: xdComplicated
Cell: A18

Ign: xLuuk_
Cell: Secret5

Ign: Mistaf
Cell: A9



IGN: Xiistaf
Cell: A21