Fix kitpvp (serious post)

i know this is just a wall of text and i wouldnt read it all either so if u want 1.8 to stay instead of 1.19, just like the post or smth idk. otherwise please read it.

Kitpvp does not need an update to 1.19.
The biggest soup server is 1.8. The biggest server overall is 1.8. There is no issue with the version, nor is kit dead due to its version.
Kit has been dead for a while now because of how it was mishandled, NOT becuase of the version.

Say what you want but from my experience i will say that ideas given by actual kit players were lots of the time shut down by the majority of the bug and idea team. the issue is that the bug and idea team is not server specific, but instead the people shutting down these ideas were the survival players who were desperate to become a big part of the community so tried to give input in places where they should not. With all respect, a survival player who logs on once a week to host an auto event and type in chat should not be the people dictating changes??? Feel free to put forward your ideas idc. But why are these ideas taken more seriously than those of actual players who main kitpvp?? SURVIVAL players main SURVIVAL and regardless of a kit update will main SURVIVAL. Maybe they come along to all these test sessions and leave a positive review… for the same reason as before. They want to look like they are doing something for the community by showing up to it. There’s not an issue with this apart from that they have nothing to compare it to, so their feedback is kind of pointless as they can’t see it is a change but something new. So this is why you are getting these reviews and also why all the people leaving these reviews will quit kit 2 weeks after a version change.

This server used to average around 80 players, none cheating, no blacklisted alts, all fun stuff. The last banwave was TWO YEARS AGO and got the most players on kitpvp since then, more than all these 1.19 test sessions. The question is why has there not been another? I would put good money that IF kit switches to 1.19 there would never be a 50 player vc for an event like this again. It just simply would not happen. Events like this and things that bring the community together like tournaments have always brought the most players. A problem is that there are none anymore? The last kind of big event on kit was the munchy championship, which many people (including myself) helped with / participated in. No i do not include things like the crown event. yes we wanted cash prizes and stuff as that adds competition and reward into the server BUT nobody is going to even bother trying to beat the people that sat on falcon kit 10 hours a day for a month. It is not an enjoyable event to play if you are actually aiming for top spot. This leads many people to just not play it, hence it barely increased playercount other than for the first two days of the event.

If there was a testing session that fixed everything wrong with the current state of kit i can guarantee that you would get the same replies from people saying the 1.19 sessions are good but also more from the players like me who have played the server longer and would actually like it to be as good as it used to be.
You may say that if we (people that want 1.8 to stay) don’t leave feedback on the 1.19 sessions then its our own fault for not voicing our ideas, but many people have just given up on the server at this point. The last GOOD/significant update was years ago and they have lost all faith so see no point. Another reason is because we simply do not want to play 1.19 testing sessions. We know what kit has been and can be, and 1.19 isn’t remotely close… so why bother?

I know im the last person someone expects a serious post from but i actually care about this server and dont want it to die in under a year due to stupid management of it. I just want kit to be fun again like it used to be.

no clue how to end a long post but seriously if you want kitpvp to not die please show support for this.


Just add new kits smh


sort of update we need, not one to 1.19
correct DREX0R


Anybody who thinks updating kitpvp to 1.19 will magically fix all of the problems is delusional.

No, you cannot perfectly recreate 1.8.9 combat in 1.19. You simply can’t, if you could Hypixel would have done it. It’s as simple as that.


yep, if thats what got the players then other servers would have done it by now. They just have more than 3.64 braincells

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I won’t speak about your whole post (it makes a lot of false claims and is generally poorly written), but I do think it’s worth talking about this specific point:

I agree with this.

Kitpvp has a lot of issues. The playercount is low, some kits are unbalanced, and communication is rare. I think it’s great that the management has recognized these problems, and seeing them trying to help fills me with hope for the gamemode. The staff members advocating for 1.19 are undoubtedly coming from a place of love for kitpvp, and I’m grateful to serve alongside them as they attempt to make munchy a better place.

The problem, though, is that we’re getting the order wrong. There are multiple reasons why kit has been ‘dead’ recently, including sparse updates, no advertisement, lack of communication, and yes, maybe even the 1.8 version. Some of these problems require almost no effort to solve. Maybe it turns out that all kit needs is a balance update and a few new features. Or maybe a large event promoted on Badboyhalo’s channel would do the trick. It seems foolish that, when given a lot of possible options for fixing kitpvp, we’re starting with the option that requires the most effort and risk. We should try simpler solutions before resorting to upending the entire gamemode by updating to 1.19.

Or maybe kit does need a big change! If the above methods fail, maybe we do need to try something more drastic. Although risky, updating to 1.19 could possibly be what kit needs. With enough testing sessions and player feedback, the developers could code a version that’s ‘close enough’ to real 1.8 to justify the change. My point is only that we should try simpler solutions first.


nice post jimbo


You are absolutely correct — KitPvP does not need to go to 1.19., KitPvP is not dead due to its version, and KitPvP is dead only because it was mishandled. We are simply testing 1.19 PvP because there are many reasons why it would be a good direction to take for Munchy. Please read this post on the differences between 1.19 and 1.8/1.7. We respect your opinion and thank you for being very vocal about your stance. I’ve told you directly that I take the things you say into account — no one is ignoring you.

In the future, I suggest you present your opinions differently. Take McDonalds’ post, for example. There is a massive difference between how you brought up an issue and how McDonalds brought up an issue. McDonalds was respectful. McDonalds acknowledged both sides. McDonalds made it extremely clear that he had no intention of being impolite. McDonalds made his point with logic rather than emotion. McDonalds had a very organized, civil, and mature post. McDonalds respected all replies and did not belittle the opposing opinions.

I’m not saying that your post is unjust. I’m not saying your post is a clear opposite of McDonalds’. I’m giving you and the community the communication and clarity you guys deserve. Wanting change and improvement is always good, but the first thing that should be done is how to get your point across respectfully. Regardless, thank you for the strong opinion. You raise excellent points and concerns. I’m glad you are passionate about the update. We will take it into serious consideration.


I don’t mean not listening between our dms I mean when I was on BIT

i agree its poorly written i just wrote whatever i thought of, but yes when bad spoke to me i said that even if devs nail 1.8 pvp on 1.19 then there will still be the remaining issues so i see what ur saying