Fishers revolt! make fishing great again

I talked with Shob and my math is correct, I just didn’t know about the bite time minimum of 100 ticks which skewed my math. I had been assuming that minimum bite time was 0 ticks which messed up my bite times. Shoblette and I worked out the exact values.

The New UD Rod fishes an average of 210 ticks per catch and was 175 ticks before the change, so you’ll catch 16.7% less stuff and fish 20% slower now. This is even less of a change than I had previously estimated.

The Ariel Hair gives +20% experience so it averages out that after the the change you get almost exactly the same amount of xp. You just get 17% less items with the UD Rod now as compared to before (though fish sell for 100-150% more now as well)

So the result of the change was the same experience output, decreased total items output, and increased fish value. As I talked and agreed about with Shoblette, you might notice it in the short term because sometimes you get the outlier long bite time, but in the long term the xp output is nearly the exact same (0.6% more than before)

So essentially it is only slightly nerfed and only for how many items you get (except that the fish u get are worth 2-2.5x to compensate some)

As more fishing special ULs, the fabled rod, and UL Shrek/Luga Net come out fishing will continue to go far and beyond what it is now so thats why we made one small adjustment to the UD Rod