Drummaster88's Build Team Application

I’m not completely sure if this is where I’m supposed to do this but let me know where this is supposed to go if this isn’t the right location.

IGN and past IGN’s:

Mountain Standard Time

Discord username:

How long have you played MunchyMC?:
About a month.

Please link a portfolio of all your most recent build projects:


Please tell us more about your FAVOURITE and PROUDEST build:
One of my favorite builds is an original looking spawn. It was a spawn for a statue gallery server that my friends and I build on. In addition, to create the spawn, I added two statues holding up the spawn plate with a crafting table representing building and a bed representing respawning below the spawn. One of the statues was my Minecraft avatar and the other was Steve because he is one of the original skins. It is my favorite build because I like the symbols it includes and the fact that I have never seen another spawn like the one I made. Another really cool thing about the spawn is that you can put stuff like rules in the statues and portals in the crafting table because of how big they are.

How experienced are you with World Edit, Voxel and other building plugins?:
I wouldn’t say I’m an expert but I can use World Edit better than my friend and I can use basic commands. I’m not sure what Voxel is. However, I’m a really fast learner and good listener. So, you could teach me how to use any build plugin.

Describe your build specialty and weaknesses (detailing, terraforming, structures, etc.):
Build Specialty: I’m really good at making things symmetrical and making statues. I’m also really good at recreating builds as well. So, if you see a picture of a build you like then I can probably make that. I like finding multiple already made build pictures and combining them to see what I can create.

Weaknesses: I have never done terraforming. So, I’m not sure how good I would be at that. I also have a hard time creating something without a reference unless it’s a house, but if you want a specific type of house style then I might still need a reference. For example, If I wanted to build a dog, then I would have to look at something like a real dog for better reference.

What is your history of building? Which build teams and/or servers have you worked for in the past?
I honestly have never worked for a server before and unless you include a friend build team on our server then I have never been on a build team either. I didn’t realize how fun building was until recently. I used to only play Minecraft just in survival to beat the game. I felt like this would be the perfect server to join a Build Team because BadBoyHalo is reasonable, a good teacher, and would be a great boss.


Your link doesn’t work; it says you need permission. When you’re done reup-ing your link, be sure to edit your application adding it! When finished, I’ll be glad to give my feedback! :smiley:

You link currently does not work, I would also read. Build Team Applications [Tips / Guide]. I would also recommend using Crevado or Imgur for your portfolio.
After this is complete I would be happy to rate your application!

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Try the link now, I also added a new link containing the same work on a different site.

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