A Thorough Analysis of the Relationship of Each Ranged Kits

Hey hope you are having a great day. I wanted to discuss the 3 ranged kits available currently in Munchy and how each one interacts in certain situations. I will also give some tips and tricks for each of the 3 in order to be more successful with each of the kits! :smile:

Each of the ranged kits have a “correlation” if you will to each other and share certain aspects with others. Simply put, ranged kits heavily rely on versatility, raw power, or a combination of both aspects. Versatility of a kit is how well a kit can deal with a particular situation. In a sense, versatility is dependent on the land area present and how many ways the kit can deal adequate damage. Generally, the more “answers” a kit can provide to different situations, the more versatile the kit becomes. Raw power, simply but, is how much damage the kit can deal either instantly or in a very low time span. Bows are generally a great way of delivering quick raw power, which builds pressure on the oppressor.

Now comes the actual relationship: all three of the kits have some non-numerical “value” of raw power and versatility when analyzed closely. This seems as if I am repeating myself from the point above, but what truly matters is how “much” the kit has of each. I place much in quotations because there isn’t any numerical value that I can ascertain, rather it works as a balance of both aspects. Their success is dependent on which ever the kit values the most. Sometimes, especially in the case of archer for example, the equal versatility and power it delivers equalizes to maintain consistent damage and an easy way of dealing said damage.

Elementalist trades off power for extra versatility in situations that will be of many benefits to the kit. Having more than 5 ways (including the sword) of dealing moderate damage that also has a status effect applied keeps general pressure on the oppressor. Elementalist is able to deal with many situations very easily, such as being on a mountain side and using Earth. It can nullify extra speed by using ice or wind to a lesser extent. Wind develops intense pressure on both the enemy and the wielder (as they are pressured into shooting higher for a falling damage one shot kill). Fire is generally used as a slowing mechanism for targets that do not have speed higher than speed II, while also adding a hint of additional damage. With all this versatility, it can pose aggression to what would be slower kits, with one that should be worth noting is archer. Archers have a hard time dealing with elementalists, especially due to the wind and ice bow. If enough pressure is built, archer will most likely crack and either not be able to shoot many arrows, or will just fall from the power. With this extreme versatility comes a severe diminishing of armor as compared to the other two ranged kits. This makes crossbows a definite natural enemy of Elementalists. One could be easily two shot by the power IV bow.

Crossbow, on the other side of the coin, trades a good amount of their versatility, with one of the most notable ways being the loss of being able to shoot an arrow at any pull back, for shear power. With Elementalist only able to pull off 18 damage at most, crossbow can pack a punch with their 23 arrow damage instantly. They also have the special flexibility of explosive tip for an instant 3 - 4 damage and provides for a nice combo with their iron sword. In many cases, crossbow prevails much better than the other two kits because they can deal instant damage that some people may not be able to heal through the shear aggression. They strip the bones clean of very ill-armored kits such as Elementalist, Titan, Abomination, Dash, and many others. In the right hands, one crossbow may prevail against almost any kit in many situations simply because of the damage pull. Their lack of versatility however, makes them easy prey for kits that can either deal with the aggression easily or exploit their weakness against them. The most notable of these kits include slingshot, fisherman, (sometimes) rider, and… ARCHER??? Yes you heard me correct: archers deal with crossbows quite easily (THIS IS MADNESS AND UNHEARD OF!). There are two problems that crossbow faces when going against their counterparts archers: the first being its lack of commitment to the late game and the power difference between power III and IV. Power III deals 19 - 20 damage, while power IV deals 22 - 23. This is a far less jump compared to a regular bow (10 damage) and a power I bow (15 damage). This lets archer to survive a good deal of the incoming damage dealt by a crossbow. With crossbow only able to do a maximum pullback for damage, archer can spam shoot crossbows, which develops pressure and increases the odds of the crossbow missing the archer. If archer survives the to the late game (indicated by the time when crossbow is running low on arrows and helmets begin to fall), then archer will definitely prevail for obvious reasons.

Archer acts as the balance of power and versatility. They deliver a punch with their 19 - 20 damage, while also being able to use their punch I to their advantage to keep their enemies at bay. Their armor also allows them to survive for much later parts of the game, allowing them to get every single shot they can with their bow. Kits that can’t keep up with their power and agility will surely fall. Kits like these include Fisherman, Pvp, Crossbow, and some other melee kits. Kits that can apply more pressure to this kit will obviously do better. These kits include slingshot, ninja, elementalist, and rider.

Now just because I say that one kit may do better against another doesn’t and shouldn’t imply that the kit “counters” the other, as it is more dependent on who has better aim. This information does have a certain amount of implication that these kits are asserted with the same skill set, regardless of the kit choice. In other words, I am not saying that archer will always defeat crossbow and crossbow will always defeat elementalist, etc.

Here are some tips I have found useful when playing each kit and how you can use them to your advantage!


  1. The Bow is your friend, use it as much as possible. Chances are, by the time your bow breaks, you are probably already dead or at spawn
  2. Use the sword as minimal as possible, because a stone sword with only sharpness I usually just massages the face of those you attack. If you are playing sword pvp for just the speed I, you are better off with dash. Your sword should only be used when initiating combo damage with the bow.
  3. Use. The. Bow. Even if people call you bow spamming noobs or tell you to “Kys”. The bow is there for a reason. and should be used as the primary weapon.
  4. Find higher ground. This increases your range of your kit and allows you to have better accuracy, as well as having plenty of time to escape if pressure begins to build.


  1. Study the lay of the land. Understanding the map will help you when deciding what element is best in a particular situation.
  2. Use the elements to your advantage, not to your contradiction. A good example is to use the Earth bow if you are in a mountainous terrain. Don’t use wind bow while you are in a body of water, as it increases the movement speed of the target from falling and they take no falling damage.
  3. Avoid melee if you can, however using your ice bow then doing some combo damage with your sword can pose a MAJOR aggression to the target. Just be mindful that you will take a lot of damage from multiple swings.


  1. Remember: you have limited arrows, spend them wisely, unless you are in a safe place to use /spawn.
  2. Melee damage is actually encouraged with this kit and should be balanced with the amount of times you use your bow.
  3. You should use your bow less frequently when all your armor is intact and use your bow more often as you start to lose pieces of armor.
  4. Avoid shooting just to shoot, as you will find yourself in a sticky situation when you find out you are out of arrows and you just lost your leather pants. Remember that the goal is to hit the target, not to crowd control with explosive.

And here are two tips for all of these kits:

  1. Practice, Practice, Practice! The only way you will get better is by using it more often. Don’t be discouraged because you had a bad time one day. Everyone has their off days, even a crossbow.
  2. If in doubt, head for the water! It acts as a very nice safeguard (unless ofc it happens to be fish infested waters).

I hope you guys now understand just a little bit better what each kit is capable of doing and how you can use it to your advantage! :relaxed: :smile:


Rider is a big target that can’t be missed.
How can an archer miss a horse going it’s way? xD

But good analysis.

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Awww thanks bow stringer :kissing_cat:

This deserves more attention but I don’t think anyone wants to read this entire thing!

Mad bet, I use crossbow when it’s been a long day and I need to vent off some ANGER :pouting_cat:

Ya boy can’t relate, too good at icing and firing :sunglasses: (There needs to be more cat emojis like seriously they can’t add a cat with sunglasses but they add a woman breastfeeding like cmon)

… :smirk::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Aww thank you bow stringer :kissing_cat:

It’s not called spamming it’s rapid fire get it right :pouting_cat:

Again it’s RAPID FIRING NOOB :pouting_cat:And if they want me to kill myself I’ll just rapid fire so hard he’s gonna go play runescape

Yeah I can relate :pouting_cat:The more clothing I lose the more I have to shoot people away :pouting_cat:

… :smirk: Okay there’s no way this was by accident bow stringer u freaky fellow


Lol thanks catty techy for the cute talks right there. I am sorry for calling it bow spamming. Obviously rapid fire is more appropriate for this anyways. BUT you cant call swinging your sword a lot rapid swinging! So I call it sword spamming :wink: :smirk:

The best part are the last 2 quotes in cattech’s reply, pointing the (white) sticky sitation out without the (under)pants. xD

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This is a really indepth analysis o_O I am impressed. Gonna use it for when we design new ranged kits.