10_billion's media application

Channel link: https://www.twitch.tv/lelandbomb

Number of followers: 371 4,679 views

Average number of viewers per stream: 9.3

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: 10 months ago is when I first started streaming. I have been a content creator on Munchy for around 4-5 months now.

Servers for which you have created content: Kitpvp and woolwars

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? I’m an active streamer, I will be a good influence on the players of munchy. I take part in the community and participate in events. My channel has been growing recently and I have been gaining followers frequently. I am also a family friendly streamer, I also communicate with my twitch chat as well.


Unfortunately you don’t meet the requirements just yet.

Good luck though!!


Question how do you get 9.3 viewers on your stream? Because thats just confusing me a lot ;-;


It’s an average, so the stream usually gets around 9-10 people.

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Heya 10_billion!

At the time you don’t quite meet the requirements for joining the media team, you have a great channel but we would like to see you growing your channel more and making more munchy related content before re-applying, Good luck!!

Please wait 1 month before re-applying, and feel free to message me on discord if you have any questions ( EeveeNoises#0014 )