Xoads Media Application

Channel link: https://youtube.com/xoads

Number of subs: 1263

Average number of views per vid: 600 (all my videos average, without 5.5k vid, its 200 average) im more of a streamer though.

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: 1 year about.

Servers for which you have created content: invadedlands, hypixel, mineplex, hivemc, and a bunch of other small servers.

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? I am very active as a Youtuber and i would love to make more streams/videos on the server. I also have a lot of time on my hands to make videos, so I can upload often on munchy! Thank you!

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+0 I only saw you active today… I might change the rating if I’ll see you more. Good luck!
edit: +0.5 I saw you again twice today I will change it to +1 if I see you more!

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+1 since what i saw today was good

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Never seen you on here before. I recommend streaming/making more content on MunchyMC servers. Best of luck.



doesnt mean I cant be active in the future, hmm…

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+1 i like ur content

Wasn’t my point, as I said if I will see you active more I will change the rating.

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oh alright

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I’ve recently uploaded a video on Munchy.

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Enjoyed your video and stream that you recently did. +1 from me hope to see you more active and creating more MunchyMC content.


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I like the content you make and I like your streams. I think you should make a few more videos on munchy. +0.5

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Thank you, I’d be more motivated, and have more ideas with media!

I will!

Congratulations you’ll be given media for a total if 30 days. If you continue to post/stream MunchyMC content you can reach out to have it extended! Thanks for making content for the server! Hope to see more!
