[WWKC] [WINNERS ANNOUNCED] Vote for your favourite new WoolWars Kit!

When you vote for all 20 kits

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FYI thorns 11 is a lot stronger than you might think, that can easily one shot anybody who touches you


Everything is going to be re-balanced with the devs and admins after voting, don’t worry. People are just voting for the idea of the kit, not how OP it sounds.


Good job! these are some incredible kits, I like the grappler because its just an overpowered teleporter kit :wink:

OK just double checking, Thanks!

Congratulations to the winning kits and creators:


Angel made by @samz1229


Copycat/Mimic made by @SmudgeMellow /@_EPhoenix (Kits were merged as so similar and both in the shortlist)


Spy made by @Atterax


Gambler made by @WickedAvtaar


Upgrader by @IceBreaker420


The winning 3 kits will be balanced over the new coming days by myself and the rest of the WoolWars Team to make sure they really fit the gamemode before being sent to Fumaz for creation and release.

I hope to have the prizes out to all of the winners within the next week or two so keep an eye on your forums/Discord inbox!


As this is all now over I just want to give a massive thanks for everyone who has helped me, being in balancing, giving kit ideas and organising prizes, I could not have done it without you all and I really look forward to doing thing like this again in the future :slight_smile:


Pinned for 1 more day to allow to people to see winners.

Omg i got first ty everyone :heart:


Congratulations to all the winners!!! You guys did so fantastic!


:D yayy !! Gg everyone!


It counted :O


Congrats everyone!

smh y u @ me noob

cries in no free tag

The Kit was changed so much, I wasn’t able to recognize it as my idea.
Are you sure, it was from me, not from someone else?

Thorns 11 is Thorns 1 on a 100% chance.
Before you get concerns for potentially OP things, get the facts straight.

So Thorns 11 on all pieces does 4 (2 hearts) damage.
It’s not exactly a good trade for not being able to swing a sword while being a cactus, but it could be buffed to do as much damage as a stone or iron sword.

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Your kit made it 4th, do you really need to complain about that?

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Cactus kit didn’t event win tho…

The kits were both called gambler, when I looked back to find the author to announce it I released it wasnt your kit that made it to the top 20, it was someone else’s gambler kit


Also I edited that 7 hours ago yet your comment was 1 hour ago :thonk:

Happy to see new kits on woolwars =D

I had it in the box 4 hours after you wrote that, but I had to find the formula for the thorns first and slept in.
Then I remembered the 1BowStringer thorns explanation, that he wrote that formula.

But the cactus kit being marked as OP was before the vote ended.

Why are you so angry about this? if a kit was op that would make people want to vote for it more