Wumpy JayRay123’s Media Rank Application

well kids like @YT_SafeJayRay123 doesn’t make good enough content (brutally honest) to belong in people’s recommendations and to be fair, he’s unoriginal. i see so many small creators being unoriginal with horrible quality (also the truth, and it’s my opinion) and they expect to have subscribers and make money off of it.

Fair enough. In the future I’ll try and be more unique and advertise less. Thanks for all the feedback @GeeksForGeeks

I’m saving up for a gaming pc and monitor and etc which will hopefully make my streams better. With all the tabs, recently I’ve stopped doing that for the exact reasons you said. Also, I always have my stream open on my phone to read that chat etc and have considered streaming on twitch but decided that I wouldn’t want to start off again with 0 followers when I already have some fan base even if it is fairly small. I will try tweak my stream settings and hopefully that will improve it. Thanks for the feedback!

I just want to add that if you watch my most viewed video it is, to be completely honest, complete click bait. I’ve not actually gained many subs from it as it’s clearly a joke and I’ve not gained much watch time as it’s only 30 seconds long. My ClowdCraft videos tend to get me more likes/subs per view however as I put more effort into those.

He is a great youtuber and is dedicated to MC, take him into consideration! :smiley:

Thanks! It means a lot!

Really the same as everyone else, don’t meet requirements and the only semi popular video on your youtube channel is " Free Vbucks Glitch In Fortnite Battle Royale" Also your most popular munchymc video is clearly view/like botted. It has 167 likes and 370 views as well as your subscriber gain vs views gain they don’t match at all and I’m pretty sure you’re also sub botting. But if you keep trying you could probably get rank. -1 from me
edit: Just saw a bit of what your content is, I’d take back the like/sub botting for live streams. Those can really get a lot more viewer engagement so it makes sense that the amount of suscribers gained can be high for number of views but the comment still applies to the video with 370 views

I have never liked or view botted but I do understand why you’re saying that as that video does look a bit suspicious. Is there anyway I could try and prove I haven’t done anything like that?

Application denied. We feel your channel isn’t close enough to the requirements to be accepted yet. If you have any questions, please feel free to message me on discord. NoEffortName#9999

Please wait 1 month before reapplying

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