Woolwars Kit Tier List

So, its been a while since anyone has done one of these, so what are your thoughts? This is my personal ranking but please share what your list is.


Engineer is s tier because those pressure plates shread people and btw nerf feather


Woolwars moment


Pyro so low!! fireballs r op


Your are right especially if your in that one map with lava unless someone uses fire res pots and has camel it’s a free win


camel is completely irrelevant now

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Only for 1 map it can counter a stray




vast: S tier
feather: L tier
spy: A tier
salvager: C tier
angel and vanish: whatever tier is below L


WWWWWW feather users get 0 DREXitches


Here’s my list, as well as some general notes.

  • Camel is an interesting kit because while it’s definitely overpowered, it’s barely used, mostly due to the boring nature of the kit. The exception to this, of course, is events, when the incentives to win are so high that players are willing to use it. Ever notice how camel is banned from nearly every competitive event?

  • Feather is right on the border between great and overpowered. It’s a very good kit, and that paired with its often-annoying playstyle makes it very frustrating to play against. I honestly think that feather might be overpowered, but I can’t say for sure because of my account being hacked a few months ago (@bfioh1 please give my old stats to my new account I’ve bumped you like twice help).

  • Teleporter obviously isn’t overpowered anymore, though the nerf did leave a lot of players unsatisfied with the new version of the kit. Teleporter plays very clunky right now, and it’s a shame because it used to be my favorite kit.

I thought it might be interesting to compare this tier list with one I made in December 2021, a little over a year ago. A few things have changed since then, both in my opinions and in the actual kits

  • Like I said above, feather seems way stronger now than it did back then. I think it might be because we were so focused on teleporter that we didn’t even notice feather until after teleporter was nerfed.

  • I’ve moved vanish up from specialized into viable. It’s a very underutilized kit, but when in the right hands, it proves to be extremely good in 1v1s and general pvp. Credit to @plazmal for proving to us all that vision is a good kit.

  • Speedster has moved down from viable to specialized. Speedster thrives in flat, open areas where it can use its speed to outstrafe and combo other players, but with the recent trend towards larger, cramped, platformless maps, speedster just doesn’t have the environment it needs in order to do well.

Overall, I think woolwars is in an interesting place for balance. There aren’t very many blatantly overpowered kits, but there are definitely some changes that still need to be made. Not necessarily with balance, but more in the vein of making kits more fun and intuitive to play. I hope woolwars is able to do just that.


Great list fr but honestly, isn’t feather just a better camel? If you’re good enough, it’s pretty easy to mlg on the sandstone with wool and you’d only really need about 6 cps to stay on the sandstone with a layer of wool in between you. I really think that the only reason camel is banned from events is to stop them from claiming all the items that was created by destroyed chests and deaths that are on the sandstone. I do think the main purpose of the kit, which is to stay on the sandstone for a period of time IS now irrelevant.


So loud and so wrong


Common saltymits W. Would put spy higher imo


Who is this guy


Is there an s++++++++++++++++++++++ teir? because i think you made a mistake where you put archer. it belongs in s+++++++++++++++++++++++.


I don’t even want to reply to this

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then how tf did you just reply to it?


I felt obligated to not allow pro archer kit people in my post

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Thank you very much for the compliment