
nerf hornet
nerf potting
nerf titan

buff zeus
buff vampire
buff groundhog

hornet: easiest kit to use, you have a total of 3 abilities vs most kits that have 1. you can escape very easily, you have decent armour and a decent sword.
potting: potters shouldnt take less damage its autistic, its a soup server people playing pots shouldnt get an advantage, they should maybe idk learn how to soup
titan: one shot me on my killstreak again and i might just bomb my school
fish: basically water is no because if there’s a fish in there you are pretty much dead. maybe dont move as fast as they do? or reduce the strength or something. just change it to more of a poseidon kinda kit like strength in water but not one hit everyone strength.

why 2:
zeus: what does it even do. completely useless. make it so the lightning box shit actually does damage instead of 2 hearts to a fish, maybe add another ability where if you right click your blaze rod you shoot a lightning bolt or some shit idk think of something
dwarf: another useless kit, doesnt send players high enough to die of fall damage. its also broken since half the time it doesn’t even send the player. kit shouldnt be able to one shot everyone with fall damage just fix it so it works and i think itll be good.
groundhog: ?? doesnt work half the time and is completely useless - maybe add where if you burrow you actually burrow and then get teleported back up in X amount of seconds, used to refill or whatever idk

thank you. all of these are kit changes due to the fact that you guys are doing a good job on adding events and keeping the server relatively bug free.

side note: i find this server extremely unprofessional which is ridiculous considering the average player count. if you want to know what i mean by this in specific, message me privately on the forums.


big Agree

Edit: fish also needs a mega nerf

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I think pots just need to be removed completely, keep pots in the arena, or just make a Soup KitPvP and a Pot KitPvP. I think it’d balance things a bit more so it won’t mix 2 things that take different sets of skills.


hornet is fine its a very fair kit, i think the only change is adding back fall damage except when using wings like on slinger
titan needs a max strength of 4 or 5
idk what you mean by potting

fish needs removed as a whole its just obnoxious, like i cant step near water

Using potions makes you take less damage.

Idk if it should be removed but fish right now is way too good

I don’t think it should be removed, rather just nerfed. I think that maybe you should just decrease the speed, as stated in the topic, or just add in something to make it harder to actually be fish. Like, you can’t roam freely in the water, but maybe make it challenging. (For example, maybe you have to keep getting out of the water every 25 seconds for 5 seconds, which can make it possible for someone to kill you, as you have weakness out of land. Your XP bar would have the cooldown)


Kits that can kill you in 2 hits need to removed/nerfed and using pots should make you take more damage not less.


Why is this a recap?
Pros for pots: less damage and no need to drop the bowl after usage.
Cons for pots: They splash after 300ms, enough time to fall through your body looking downwards while falling, you are unable to heal midair like this, you heal players around you, too and always need to be near a wall or ground.


Well there goes me if that happens o/

Said many times, big agree

The feels man, the feels.

Ability yes, actual kit stuff, no

Maybe LIFESTEAL can FINALLY be added??? or are we still going to have this crappy bat signal?

Been waitin a long time for this


Nah I take that back, I think there should just be 2 separate kits: Soup Kit and Pot Kit.
On the Pot KitPvP it’s only pots, and Soup is only for Soup PvP. I mean, I don’t know if it’s just me, but I don’t really like the idea of 2 different sets of skills being combined together, and then people calling it unfair or dumb. I think you just gotta separate the 2.

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Disagree. I think they should remove the damage reduction and thats it tbh. Player count would be split if it happened.


I wish, but then all the pots ( or at least most) would be mad probably, or call it unfair.

Barely anyone plays pot though because it’s a soup pvp server

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I wouldnt call it unfair, its a trade off to play one or the other

with soups, you have to get rid of the bowl but restores instantly

with potions, you can restock faster at the cost of instant heal and chance of healing others.

i’d call it a fair trade off

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but it’s not a pot pvp server

You right you right…

its a KITPVP server (aha see what I did there???)

Potions make some kits even better like hornet you don’t take like any damage

Why necropost?