What is the future of woolwars? (Serious post)

So as you all may or may not know, clan wars just ended. Congrats to all the competitors and finalists, Riyo, comet, and LitRaiders (wooo!). These events are always really fun, and they get tons of support and interest from people and communities that would otherwise not care. The problem is, though, they don’t really happen enough. Munchy has had its fair share of problems and controversies recently and this may be a bit minor as to all the other topics floating around, but I would really love to see maybe a smaller scale tournament ran maybe biweekly, triweekly, or even just every month. They could be just some single player brackets or even team events, but the facts are we need more events. I hear a lot of, “oh, Munchy has too small of a player base for so and so,” but really, would it be if we were doing this before? I have seen at least 20 new players that have played 5 games, seen there are less than five people on, say, “why is woolwars dead?” Which I always respond, “I honestly don’t know,” and have them log off never to be seen again. And this is just in the past month. Another reason why someone might say this is a bad idea is we don’t have enough staff. Yeah, a lot of ww staff resigned. Easy solution: OPEN THE APPLICATIONS. I don’t believe it would be hard for one or two staff to watch over a couple of matches a few times a month. The tournament could be signup based per event and to incentivize people showing up to their matches (now I’m spitballing but I think it would be cool) we could host a HUGE yearly tournament at the end of each year where the top 25 or so people that got points from each tournament would be invited and then could compete for the title maybe even a tag. Idk what your thoughts are on that but I just thought of that so it can’t be that hard to make ideas to increase the player number and community of the game. I’m just really concerned for the future of this game mode because it is such a cool one and I don’t want to see it go to waste. It has just felt like a lot of the reasons why ideas have been shot down are for stupid reasons that if we put in more time to improve this amazing mode we could have multiple lobbies of full games, every game, instead of me facing off against the same person every. Single. Game. For 20 straight in a 1v1. I really care for this game and this is why this post is more of an idea post rather than a post calling people out. This seems to be happening everywhere, though, not just woolwars. There have been posts like this about kit, about prison, and about the build team. I am not trying to attack anyone, just trying to help be part of the solution to what I see a dying game mode. Thanks for reading and hopefully replying.
Edit: sorry for not organizing the post into paragraphs and such. I didn’t really know how to go about that.


The future of woolwars? Probably something to do with hexagons


Personally woolwars left in impression on me so personally I would say it can bring people back but it needs a reason to be played so I think that personally if it got advertised by media more maybe it would bring new players back so I feel as if the future is weird.

But as the dark knight said “it is always darkest just before the dawn” so I have hope.


Yeah, as far as since I’ve joined, woolwars has had little to no players, and it sucks because of the potential it holds. Woolwars is (imo) the most different and interesting Munchy game mode still up, but it dosent get the attention it deserves. Many people joke about the state it is in, but it is kind of sad. Again, wasn’t here to firsthand experience it, but of what I’ve heard woolwars was once thriving, and I’d love to see that. I think as of right now, I think the staff’s main focus rn is kit/surv/etc (might be wrong) like you said, but yeah woolwars needs love, It might just be a small update or promotion for it, or it could be a huge upgrade like new kits, maps, cosmetics, and the events you’re mentioning (And also buffing archer kit obviously)

Like drex though, I have a spark of hope that the dwindling fire that is woolwars will turn to a bonfire. We just need the lighter

Edit: also no hate to any staff
Edit 2: how tf u so fast salty


Why don’t I get like salty :( salty doesn’t love me no more :pensive:

Time to remove feather


I was here since season one but wasn’t part of the community up until august 2022, I really can see the potential of Woolwars becoming Munchymc’s most popular game mode and quite possibly be one of the best game modes and all it needs is for more focus and new things keeping the player base engaged like salty said a few small events like weekly or monthly with special tags (like event winner) as a prize which will be the most cost-efficient way for the server and is still a really good prize. Woolwars Season 3 has been late for months now and it seems from a woolwars player’s pov it seems that a lot of the focus is not on woolwars and is put on every other game mode. I just hope that woolwars reaches the potential it can and become a really popular game mode if it just gets more updates on time with more events and more media members promoting it.


Woolwars is definitely an underrated gem. I enjoy playing it at times but it’s hard when there isn’t always people online :CC I’m unsure of what the future could hold but hopefully Woolwars stays and more people come play.


sad to say that if it continues to go like this, ww has no bright future, unless some miracle happens


there used to be a lot more events hosted - even a weekly tournament of 3 FFAs that counted ELO - and they were good fun and since the gamemode wss active enough there wasnt a crazy amount of pressure to get everyone online.
I would totally be down to play in weekly or biweekly tournaments, esp if organised better than the WWE (self roast)
ill bring this up in the BIT channels (but to be honest i think the forums are where things are more likely to happen)


I am willing to be MunchyMc Woolwars staff. I have active on the MunchyMc discord consistently since September 2022 and am currently looking for a job at the current moment. I would volunteer to be Woolwars staff. Who else here wants to be Woolwars staff?


Stella aims for admin!!!

Joke aside!

If there isn’t more content, more events, more advertising, woolwars will just die. It’s not really avoidable unless its current state is being acknowledged and worked on by the higher ups!




I love the idea of smaller scale events! Definitely seems like a lot of fun if there is people willing to help host :))


I was talking about this with someone. I wasnt too sure how i should react to this post, but i know one thing. I feel like woolwars isnt going to be revived unless a miracle happens, but that is just in my opinion. Woolwars, if anything the server, has been in a lot of controversies and i agree with that. But idk woolwars is definitely going down the drain to the point where its not even surprising at this point and people cant really do anything about its future. Prove me wrong.


Wool Wars is def very very fun, I rlly do enjoy it and its sad to see its potential go to waste… I dont play it anymore (I did when I first joined Munchy), but unfort I stopped due to games only being 2-3 players against each other. I would love to see wool wars be more active and alive. Hiring some staff and hosting mini events every week or two would be a great idea. Thank you staff for everything that you do by the way.


absolutely +1


Too much text , not reading that.

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