What do you think about COVID 19?

Masks do not prevent you from getting the virus. The only time you should wear a mask is if you currently have the virus, as it can help prevent the spread of it. Leave the masks to the medical professionals as they need them to help people with corona. The best thing to do is to self isolate if you get it (7 days for the victim, 14 days for anyone else in the household, which gets reset if someone in your household has symptoms). The most common symptoms are a fever/ high temperature and a new and continuous cough, comply heavy. Avoid unnecessary contact with people.

Currently in the UK, doctors cannot go to work because they do not have enough masks to protect themselves, caused by normal people without the virus using it. Currently the UK is in lockdown and most likely, the entire world will be at one point or another, or until a vaccine is created, which is looking to be 6 months at the very earliest.

Healthy people without underlying health conditions will not die of the corona virus from what we know as they can fight off the infection. The issue comes with people with weakened immune systems, respiratory difficulties and other underlying health conditions.

Don’t take unnecessary trips as young people commonly don’t show symptoms, instead they carry the disease unknowingly to other people, who may unfortunately die because of it.