
Hello! I’m JoshyVT, and today I’d like to talk a little bit about waypoints; not a super important topic, but still feels like something that should be established.

Just a bit of context: I’ve been playing munchy on and off a lot since late 2015, and I never really used other clients, mods, etc, as I wasn’t too interested in them. I just recently started using lunar on prison, and I ended up testing it in with fellow players; one of the new features to me was the inclusion of “waypoints”. For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, the idea of waypoints is to set a visual marker anywhere in the world (in this case it would be the prison or outside world), and this would show players how far or close they are to the pre-established location. I was eager to be able to use a useful tool, until I was told that waypoints are forbidden to use, and if you’re caught using them, it would likely result in a ban.

I find it a little bit confusing why visual waypoints are prohibited in such a manner? Waypoints don’t offer enough of an advantage over default launcher users to ultimately make it “unfair”. Some reasons I heard from closer players was that it could be used to mark the entrance to the prison, as well as marking looting spots and showing players the distance between 2 determined points. I can definitely see why this could be an issue, however default players can just as easily check coordinates and do the math themselves, and theres even a /quicktool that shows which direction players need to go to get inside. Not to mention there are duplicates upon duplicates of books in game that literally have coordinates to all of the looting spots outside and special descriptions for them.

Maybe I’m crazy, maybe I’m not, I just would like to better understand the gatekeeping of waypoints, I personally feel like they could be a nice dynamic addition for players who choose to choose (FAIR) mods in their game.

Let me know what you think!!!



I sort of agree with you, but how I got described it was that it’s a lot less effort to have something you can always visually see than like keeping coordinates and stuff, and also since waypoints aren’t in vanilla.


To be fair, once you loot 10-20 times in the same cycle, you easily learn all of the looting spots. If someone mentions a spot you haven’t been to, just incorporate it into your typical looting cycle until it becomes second nature. I understand that waypoints can be helpful to newer players, so I’m ultimately indifferent on the topic.