uPilot's Media Application - July 2021

Channel link: https://youtube.com/uPilot

Number of subs: 2,384

Average number of views per vid: 500 - 1000 (some videos do better than others)

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: I’ve been doing youtube since 2015 (my old videos are private now) What I have done (started this summer) I have been uploading every other day.

Servers for which you have created content:
munchymc, hypixel, mineplex
What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC?
My brother has had media on your server and I am trying to make the best of content. I’ve been making munchymc videos. And I plan on making a lot more.


Can you link any videos you have streamed/recorded on munchy?


Can’t find a munchy video.

Most of your content are shorts, which is nice but not really content that would bring people to the server.


The only problem is that I don’t see ur MunchyMC content. Otherwise you meet the requirements.
Also, who is ur brother that has media on here (IGN?) ?

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As the points above shoot, your application will most likely be declined. However that does not mean you cannot reapply! You can wait 3-4 months to reapply once you establish making more publicly available MunchyMC content.

Regardless, the best of luck!


  1. These private videos weren’t on munchy. And they sucked. That’s why they are privated. If you want proof I can send them and unlist some. But I promise you these suck.
  2. I am going to be making a lot of new content (on munchy)
  3. but I can still be accepted.
  4. Thanks for the luck!
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my 2 newest videos are munchy videos

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As a media rank, I don’t see enough content on here related to Munchy yet, haven’t see you online (but I don’t doubt you are.) I think you would be fine with a bit more content related to MunchyMC.


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As mentioned above I do not see enough Munchy related content. You state your 2 newest videos are on Munchy but those 2 videos in total add up to 33 seconds long. I don’t personally think that is enough. I’d suggest trying and make longer Munchy related videos or make quite a thew more #shorts

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It’s nice that you’re interested in the rank and eventually creating more content for Munchy, but as of right now it looks like you’re only applying for a rank and not because you’re interested. If that isn’t the case, then work on what everyone has mentioned and reapply once you’ve had a chance to improve and actually create the content you say you want to create.


I am uploading every other day videos

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I am creating what I want to create

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Application denied. Please message me on discord.


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