Upgraded Special Items

With the addition of the Smithing Table from the Geppetto NPC, I felt that it would be interesting to add some form of upgraded versions of Specials since they are always left out when ULs and Fableds are added! I feel that this would give these items an incredible amount of value later in the map and incentivize players to seek out crates or loot more to find them (Specials should always be able to be found outside on crate release at a rate similar to that of Legendaries). P.S.: these would likely be implemented around the time ULs and Fableds are introduced if they are considered for addition.


  • 3 tiers for each Special rare (T1, T2, T3)
  • Combine two T1s to get a T2; Combine two T2s to get a T3 (Four T1s for a T3)
  • These items will have additional bonuses over the original Special rare

Fishing Specials (Mermaid):

  • Mermaid Hair T2:
    Increase XP gain to 2.2x; Increase auto-sell gem bonus to 55%; 2.5x fish duration
  • Mermaid Hair T3
    Increase XP gain to 2.5x; Increase auto-sell gem bonus to 75%; 3x fish duration
  • Mermaid Shells T2:
    Increase rewards from catching a Blowfish to x7 rewards on next catch
  • Mermaid Shells T3:
    Increase rewards from catching a Blowfish to x10 rewards on next catch
  • Mermaid Tail T2:
    Instantly catch a fish after a Hidefish or Zoomfish is caught; Zoomfish gives +2 rewards
  • Mermaid Tail T3:
    Instantly catch a fish after a Hidefish, Zoomfish, or Flash Fish is caught; Flash Fish gives +3 rewards
  • Mermaid Fins T1:
    Rework to instantly catch fish during a Stormy Night, but cap the number of rewards to +1 per catch
  • Mermaid Fins T2:
    During Stormy Night, increase the cap to 1.5 rewards per catch (50% of the time, get 2 rewards)
  • Mermaid Fins T3:
    During Stormy Night, increase the cap to 2 rewards per catch
  • Telescope T2:
    Increase the duration of the glowing effect to 1 minute; Knockback 3 instead of 2
  • Telescope T3:
    Increase the duration of the glowing effect to 1.5 minutes; shuffle a player’s hotbar if you click their inventory after opening it with the telescope
  • King Triton’s Trident T2:
    Increase bleed duration by 1 second; Reduce the cooldown of attack by 1 second for successful or failed hit
  • King Triton’s Trident T3:
    Increase bleed by an additional 1 second; Reduce the cooldown of attack by an additional second for successful or failed hit; give 2 more absorption hearts on a successful hit
  • Captain Hook’s Reel T2:
    Catching a Quickfish gives +2 rewards on the next catch
  • Captain Hook’s Reel T3:
    Catching a Hardfish has a 50% chance to give +1 reward and a 10% chance to give +2 rewards on the next catch

Based on the feedback from these ideas, I might make suggestions for the remainder of the Special Rares (Creature and MunchyMC). Let me know your suggestions/criticisms!


Sounds fun! adds more risk to the game tooo


Pls add

I agree that there should be an upgrade path for the fishing specials, however some of these seem a bit overpowered

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Of course, they could all be adjusted and balanced to how Red sees appropriate. These were more or less just ideas I was throwing out there.