Ukiyofur's media application

Channel link:

Number of subs: 147 and growing (+30 since i started streaming again actively again)

Average number of views per vid: 10-14(most live viewers was around 25, can dip down to 7-8)

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: Ive currently been streaming MunchyMC for around a month, and i’ve recently got affiliated and have been starting daily streams. Due to that, I will be able to stream very often on MunchyMC.

Servers for which you have created content: munchy, minemen and invadedlands

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? I believe I would be a good canditate because I am nice and able to interact with my chat, I give a positive vibe while streaming and am always able to keep viewers engaged with the stream. Due to this I am constantly growing and have been able to get almost 60 followers in a month, and currently going for 200 by next week. I personally believe that I will be able to use my rank for good, and give a fun and inviting experience while streaming on munchy! <3

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+1 he’s cool

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+1, cool and funny guy, always brings more players onto the server when he streams



one of the best applications on munchymc. very kind and interactive, and he will be the perfect fit for munchy

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Some of your streams must have atleast an average of 250 viewers.

That isn’t true. Please read the requirements

Am I missing something?

Your videos/streams of MunchyMC must:
Be good quality recording (aka no hand held phone camera recordings).
Have an average view count of at least 250 on some of the latest videos posted
Be at least 5 min long (20 min in the case of streaming)
Contribute in a positive way to the server
Must have MunchyMC’s server IP in the description of the video.

Most streamers receive the media rank with avg 10-15 viewers, for example RipMonts whose streams I enjoy.

I respect your input, but from what ive seen from other accepted people, it doesnt seem like a major requirement.

Mhm, I didn’t know that. Not sure if that’s a fact too

250 on some of the latest videos posted

+1, You’re an amazing streamer. You are growing pretty fast & I’m sure the people in this community can help

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That quote is in reference to people who make videos, not streamers. It’s actually difficult to set streamer requirements, but as a general rule of thumb, as long as they are actively streaming on munchy and have a channel experiencing good growth as of recently with a reasonable sized channel community, they will do fine to apply for media.

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Application denied. Please message me on discord NoEffortName#3750