Tubbo - Media Rank Application

Channel link: https://twitch.tv/Tubbo

Number of subs: 118,107 (followers)

Average number of views per live stream: I tend to get around 1.5k to 4.6k per stream.

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: I have been streaming different server for almost two years now on Twitch.

Servers for which you have created content: I have created content for lots of servers some of which include mc.hypixel.net and other public or private survival multiplayers.

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? I feel like I would make a good candidate for media rank on MunchyMC because I am not at all toxic and I love to interact with communities and the people in them. I feel like I provide a friendly environment for my stream watchers and I believe that these are qualities the MunchyMC creator should have.


+1 I watch your content and it is very fulfilling. I wish you the best on getting the rank.


Pretty sure you’ll easily get the media rank. Content is very good and appealing. Easy +1

Edit: The only problem is that I don’t see you around Munchy quite often.



Tubbo- your applying for media rank?!?! Your a cool and chill streamer, as Neon said above, I’m sure you can get the media rank easily. The only reason I’m taking .2 away from you is because I haven’t seen you on Munchy at all, might just be me though. I think you should start getting to know the community a bit more before applying, but that’s just my opinion.

Good Luck!

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tubbo smells weird and doesnt do much content on munchy so ill give +1

Please correct me if I’m wrong but you seem to already have the rank…


seems poggers

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It looks like you already have the rank? Message me on discord if I’m wrong. NoEffortName#9999


Caught lying