TriggeredForDays's Media Application

Channel link:

Number of subs: 107

Average number of views per vid: 50-90 growing

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: I started my channel sometime last month. I started creating content for munchymc I think a month ago as well.

Servers for which you have created content: Kitpvp club, invadedlands, munchymc

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC?
I may be a small YouTuber but my statistics show that I am growing reasonably fast. I have uploaded a total of 13 videos on munchymc and plan on uploading more videos on munchymc regardless of how this application turns out. I also stream on munchymc pretty regularly.

Some quick stats:

Last week I grew 50 subs.
I am projected to hit 200 subs this month (very soon)
Each live stream I average about 5-10 constant viewers but total around 100 total views or more.


-1 Did Not meet the subscriber count

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He’s growing reasonably fast so subscriber count doesn’t matter.

+1 your content is interesting :slight_smile:


As much as I love watching your Munchy videos, I don’t think you’re growing rapidly enough to receive the Media rank.

Therefore it’s a -1 from me.


50 subs a week isnt fast enough? :sob:

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Really great guy
Growing somewhat fast
enjoyable to talk to
funny content

Good Luck, hope you get accepted

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Growing decently fast!
Love the content.
Overall a really funny and good guy.
+1 Hope it works out for you!


Your videos are great and you should have more subscribers.
Good luck on your app :smiley:


Nice guy
Good channel
Would make a great addition to the Media team.


Amazing videos, but you only have 107 subs… I think honestly its fine, you are growing fast and have amazing content for your first month. +1 from me.


Good videos and well in the community, but due to lack of subscribers I’d have to give you a +.5


+1 from me

While you may not meet the requirements yet, you are easily one of the best content creators for the server and I’d love to see you with media rank.

Best of luck!



I enjoy watching your content when I see it posted on the forums! :slight_smile:


+1 from me, you have amazing content and are growing at a rapid pace, so I think you would be great having media rank

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very nice videos and great in community +1

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Application denied. We’d like to see you interact with the community a bit more, and see your channel get closer to the requirements before we accept you. If you have any questions, please feel free to message me on discord. NoEffortName#3750

Please wait 1 month before reapplying

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