Trap veedio

Music is super fried so please watch muted, for some reason bandicam recorded my Spotify in the background and I could not be bothered to mute it.

Lack of clips cause I did this all in one night but you get the point, its kind of broken :slight_smile:
When portal is in their face they cant tp out/refill/press escape. It really is unbeatable (except for when I got switched lol)

Pray to god this doesn’t get copyrighted

How about you don’t use copyrighted material?
Is it that hard to not use material, that you didn’t create or have no permissions to use?

Unless they play in 1.13 and above.

I believe the spot I have shown is much safer, because the player is not only stuck there, they also can’t hit or throw/shoot anything.
The portal is there with an invisible armour stand, which also has a hitbox, the hitbox is as big as a player, so aim at a corner or bottom edge to do damage.
The most they can do is AoE damage.

I meant cause of the spotify in the background but yeah I guess.

I messed up on the clips, also its 10x harder when you have like 3 different people just sniping you in the backl.