Top 7 animes

Hello anime enjoyers! Been a while!

I asked for your recommendations, and they were decent! But now, being the experienced weeb I am I have devised a top 6 list for your enjoyment! This list mainly includes romance animes, but some other stuff as well!

#7 As miss Beelzebub likes it.
This is the comfiest anime ever, and believe me, there is a LOT of comfy animes. It doesn’t really focus on it’s story or characters too much, but it is definitely a great anime if you’ve got a couple hours and feel like curling up into a blanket, sipping hot chocolate, and reminding yourself that the only thing that matters in life is how soft things are.

#6 Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid
A delightful Yuri about dragons living in the human world, having just finished it it is definitely a really comfy anime for anyone to enjoy! A lot of the characters here are super relatable so definitely give it a watch if you’re interested!

#5 BOKUBEN: We never learn
A cute love story about a tutor who teaches 2 girls who are perfect in math and english respectively, but terrible at everything else. Not really much to say here, just an adorable story that makes your heart flutter a teensy bit!

#4 The Angel next door spoils me rotton!
Alright, now we’re getting into the really good stuff. This anime is borderline perfection in every way, Shiina is amazing, the MC is dense as usual but still has some good qualities to back it up! The one thing holding it back is it’s middle episodes, but as soon as you get to episode 7, it’s utterly incredible. The things this anime does to my heart are indescribable, it keeps me going. So sad that it’s first season is ending tomorrow, but what can you do. :sob:

#3 ORESUKI: Are you the only one who loves me?
What an anime. My waifu Pansy comes from this one and the story, ESPECIALLY THE CHARACTERS are just incredible. There’s this one line at the end, I won’t spoil it for you but it just makes the anime for me. The one thing holding me back from giving it a higher spot is that I don’t really agree with some of the plot developments and the other 2 on this list are just utterly brilliant.

#2 Don’t toy with me, Miss Nagatoro
At first, I really really did not like Nagatoro on a personal level, she was bullying poor Senpai and I thought it hit a bit too close to home and hated her a lot. But wow, how the show changes your perspective and transitions from just your basic fan service to breaking out of your bubble. It resonates with me a lot. I would love to give this thing #1, but #1 is just so utterly… just…

#1 Komi Can’t Communicate
When I went into this weeb journey of mine, I was searching for an anime that could top Komi, surely that just because this was my first real anime that there would be better ones right? Yeah… no. Komi Can’t Communicate can’t be put into words. I lied when I said it’s an anime, it isn’t. It’s an experience. This amazing journey tackles the issue of mental health really well, and there’s a reason no other anime has topped it for me. It just simply cannot be outdone. I am dying for a season 3, because although Nagatoro and Shiina has gotten me through school these past couple of months, this anime got me through life. After I first watched this masterpiece, I rewatched it twice more, just to confirm that what I had watched was really the life altering experience it was, and it did confirm that and more.

Some honorary mentions before I end this off:

  • Spy x Family (thanks @danior)
  • Horimiya
  • Sadly I can’t justify ATLA or Korra being on here, but if I could I would put Korra 5 and ATLA 2
  • Darling in the Franxx
  • Rent A Girlfriend (yes it’s actually decent go watch it)
  • The Reincarnation of the Strongest Exorcist in the world (haven’t watched enough of it to put in this list, but it looks good from me giving it a browse, basic isekai story)

Sorry normies, no Boruto dragonball demonslayer or AOT on here. Only based romance + comfy :sunglasses: . Feel free to give me more suggestions, especially if it’s a romance/romcom, have a good day yall I shall now return to the abyss that is exam week :tired_face:

Edit: Teasing Master Takagi-san, A lull in the Sea, A certain magical index are all honourable mentions
Edit 2: Quintessential Quintuplets is also an honourable mention


Of course Crafty had to make a post about animes. :roll_eyes:


I have transformed into a weeb, currently watching Blend S


Vote me president so I can deport all anime lovers to Greenland!!!

Joke cause everyone takes offense to what I say.






you have way too much alone time


Touch grass lol


I touch nothing but anime, sheet music, and books… In that order

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Your also missing the forums!


Maybe the shower hopefully soon too


0 Shonen animes on the list



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This post is my 13th reason


I am sorry you don’t approve

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cosmos relates very well to this post he told me


Logged in to my forums account just to say this is the lamest anime list I have ever seen. It’s awful


I agree with pillow

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I’m sorry normie I’ll leave you to your Attack on Titan, Demonslayer and whatever shonen you decide to watch with 800 gallons of blood constantly filling the screen. I’ll stick with my romance, romcoms and yuri thx :smile_cat:

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i dont even watch those romance animes are :-1:


-1 you didnt even include violet evergarden or blue period, which arent violent

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