ThorNuggets Fly

Skip to 2:20 for evidence, excuse the quality but at 2:20 you can clearly see the name. This was taken about 20 minutes ago.


To clear up any misunderstandings, ThorNuggets was using the Falcon kit which enables you to fly, therefore they were not using fly hacks.

looked like he was using ā€œkit pvpā€ as he had iron armour and a diamond sword, sorry for the misinterpretation

No worries! For future notice, you can look in the bottom left to see what kit he was using when he killed you. (seen at 3:13)

Thanks! I will use that for future reference, i hadnā€™t played kitpvp in a while so forgot about some of the features, very sorry if any inconvenience was caused.


Hey @Minyzombie

As @xKamilion stated, the player you speak of was in fact using the Falcon kit, which explains his flight. Falcon kit users are also unable to activate flight for 10 seconds after being hit, which explains why he did not take off after being hit multiple times.

Nevertheless, thank you for the report!

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