The Official DrewTheDucky CoHost Application

Prerequisite checklist:

- Have you participated in at least a few events on the Event server before?:
I Have.
- Do you have Discord downloaded and are competent with it?:
I do and, yes i know how to use it.


IGN: DrewTheDucky

Age: 15

Timezone: EST

Can you use a microphone?
I can
When can you be available to help host events each week?
Each day and after 12pm on the weekdays
What do you think your reputation is like within the community?
I like to think that people find me nice and easy to talk to, While i hope to help everyone out with anything they need help with, in Bads community itself i know alot of them know my name, and i hope they know me fondly.
Why are you interested in the role and what motivated you to apply?
I love modding and hosting different things, like servers, or discord servers. While I take it seriously I have fun with it and I know how to use most commands. Plus doing things like this helps myself get motivated for other things, like streaming and doing content.
Do you have any past experience with plugins such as WorldGuard/WorldEdit?
I do. While im working on doing better with it, I do hope that if I’m accepted ill be more familiar with it.
How well can you work with a team in a formal/professional environment?
I have mods in my own chat, so i have experience working with people in professional scenarios. While ill be happy to talk to people who do the events. I know its professional and I know that i can be professional, in a working environment.
Anything you want to add:
I really do hope you consider me out of all of the applications, thank you for reading this far and have a lovely day, and if I’m accepted I’m in the MunchyMC discord so if you need to get in touch.


Hi, DrewTheDucky!

Thanks for your interest in joining the team. Unfortunately, your application has been denied this time around, we would like to see you work in your activity and interacting more with the community before applying again next season! Best of luck!

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