Tenayauwu's Build Team Application



Discord Name:

How long have you played MunchyMC?:
A long time, but that time is spread out on many accounts. This account is a new one, so not that long on the account I’m applying for

How active can you be per week?:
Very active. almost every day, and almost all day (7 hours a day most likey) unless I’m doing something like hiking or backpacking. I go backpacking almost every month, and when I’m going to be gone for a long period of time I’ll be sure to let everyone know!

Do you have any punishments on our Network? If so, what for?:
No. not that I think at least. I got hacked about a month ago so if there is something that happened I’m terribly sorry about it.

Please link a portfolio of all your most recent build projects:

Please tell us more about your FAVOURITE and PROUDEST build:
My minigames server spawn. Its a large world (About 50,000 by 50,000 blocks so far) and I’ve made it all without world edit (In about 6 years so far). it has cities, towns, mountains, and much much more. Its inspired by 2 things; Middle Earth, and where I live. The build I’ve linked are a newer expansion of the build, being a small island off the north coast.

How experienced are you with World Edit, Voxel and other building plugins?:
I love them. I’d say I’m not a pro, but I’m also not just starting out. I’ve used World edit for about a year and voxel for almost two.

Describe your build specialty and weaknesses (detailing, terraforming, structures, etc.):
I love to do terraforming and medieval style builds, but my one weakness is animals. I can’t make animals.

What is your history of building? If applicable, which build teams and/or servers have you worked for in the past?
Never worked on a build team. The server I’m building for is my own and nobody else works on it. I’ve been building for about 7 years, maybe longer. My biggest project is the server I’ve been telling about and most likely wont be finished for another 10 years or so. I started building back in 2016 with some friends. Before that, I’d not really build a lot in Minecraft, and didn’t consider my self any good. but I started building and found I really liked it, and went on for a long time. A year later I Started a big project and have rarely worked on anything else. the only other builds I do is for my friend’s yt channel. He likes to do a lot of cinematic shots. I’m really looking forward to moving away from my one build though and working on smaller but possibly greater things. Nobody really knows me and my building. I’d like to change that well also being part of a build team with others. :)

On a scale of 1-10, how well do you work with others? Please expand upon in your answer:
Never really knew. If I had to say from my Experience, most likely a 6-7. Sometimes an 8.

Have you applied for Builder before? If so, what was your reason for denial? How have you looked at improving since?
N/A. This is my first time. MunchyMC is such a great server that I could not see anywhere else that would be fun to work on.


+0 Builds look small and unfinished, maybe post better screenshots :smiley:

Good luck anyways !

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Practice makes perfect

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I forgot to mention that my builds arn’t just big concrete structures resembling something like a house or a tree like i see on many servers, i use blocks mostly for their actulal purpose, like i use laves for leaves, and grass for the ground, and stone bricks for something that needs to be stable. i dot his to add life to my builds, and to make them seem more natural and cozy.

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+0.5 the builds look good good luck

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Application looks good and you would seem like a good addition to the team, only criticism is the lack of screenshots of your builds. Wish you luck :+1:

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Hi, Thank you for the application!

I can tell you put a lot of effort into it, though I’d like to see more screenshots of your builds before we make a decision. Showcases of your larger builds or anything else which you feel best describes your style would be appreciated!

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Am I allowed to update this fourm or do I have to wait 3 months?

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You’re allowed to update this one; you only have to wait if you’re denied.


I have updated the link to include 2 larger scale builds

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i would say 1+ now good luck

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Hi @tenayauwu!

Thank you for the application, but unfortunately your portfolio needs some more work. We’re looking for builders who can work on large maps and have shown experience using different tools and styles.

I’d love to see you reapply in the future, but please wait 3 months before doing so. Good luck with any future projects!